I do hope they’ll make room for the horns and tail to actually fit through rather than clip, since it’s literally a draenei exclusive set.
Looks fantastic on the female body. The male draenei model remains one of the hardest bodies to create a mog for
Except for the sock nose. They get rid of that we golden.
I…Think the draenei look too monk like? I understand where it came from but it doesn’t feel draenei to me. =/
Not just me that noticed that - I thought it looked more like a turkey wattle hahaha
Not a fan of the helm but otherwise I love it! Id almost rather the helm be a hood.
So, how many people complaining were expecting another WoD Pally Normal raid set?
It’s based on an artwork. One of the oldest ones, I think.
Yep, that one.
I guess players can simply hide or mog another piece to get closer to the art? Overall, it’s well-done. I don’t see the need to remove the crystals.
It looks exactly something that a space squid would wear…
Asphalt wearing armor?
/loud obnoxious fem Belf laugh
I think it’s just a possessed suit of armor… no asphalt detected. Wait is the asphalt UNDER the ten layers of armor?
The one with the purple cloth looks better.
For some reason, I feel the sash looks bad on females.
Honestly would prefer this
It looks like it was designed for mages, which is a problem when people generally associate draenei with paladins, though admittedly, we already have at least three blatantly draenei-themed paladin sets (Crystalforge, Justicar, and Guiding Light). There’s also no black/dark green and fel green tint for man’ari characters, but you can give the excuse that it’s based on what the eredar wore before the Legion came to Argus.
At least there are two options for the helmet. Gnomes still can’t actually wear the goggles on our heritage set.
Very disappointed, it’s not skimpy.
Looks like it would fit the Broken… maybe Broken customisation incoming? Would make sense after the Eredar quest ending. Apart from that, yea, needs to be scrapped and reworked.
points at everything What are those?!?!?!
Maybe we’re missing some particle effects or something. I like the color palette and art style, but this feels like it’s missing something.
For now I’ll assume this is not a finished product, and chalk it up to data mining vs end product situation.
If this is the actual set, I’ll do the quest and race change my paladin finally. Because that set is even worse than the Worgen set.
edit - speaking of, LFD heritage armor recolors when?
It’s a really nice armor set except maybe the helm.
The problem is almost nothing looks good on Draenei.
This is what our characters looked like before transmog became a thing