Draenei Heritage Armour; Incredibly Disappointing

It seems entirely too plain and not really in line with the aesthetic that exodar draenei have going on.
I was expecting more crystals, more glow and something more elegant. Everyone loves the concept art but even in comparison it’s lacking. A direct 1:1 would have been more visually interesting.


Not gonna lie.

I actually really like it. Some parts needs cleaning up (which means lol they won’t be cleaned up), but…it was what I was hoping for to be perfectly honest.

I was afraid the heritage set would look more like the WoD draenei sets with lots of purple crystals. But I loved the old TBC aesthetic from the art work and was sad to see it slowly phased out until now.


I like the fact that its more plain, to be honest. Especially considering this is supposed to be the Heritage of Draenei that fled from Argus. They left with nothing and it more closely resembles that.

The issue I have, judging from the datamined version, is that the robes feel as if they are part of the Pants slot, and not the chest.

Is there anyway to copy/paste, (use the AI adjustment tool, whatever), the Kul Tiran robe for Draenei?

It might be a big task, but if the skeleton of this longcoat could be used instead… :eyes:

The horns actually CLIP THROUGH the helmet. It’s like the art team has given up on quality like the team responsible for class design.


The helmet is hideous, but the rest is not bad. I think they went with the short skirt to avoid headaches with draenei legs clipping through the modern open coats that would have been on the heritage concept.

Blizzard needs to stop doing hideous cowls and closed helmets, they just don’t work well with the engine. Stick to circlets,etc.

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Interesting, is not a paladin plate set like many were worried it would be.

Is not something shamanistic either, this feels like… Draenei casual clothing?

It looks like it was designed for Broken, so not a fan.

At the very least the horns should not clip through the helmet.

A maroon cloth with green fel crystals would have been nice. The current colours don’t feel as though they build off the unification storyline.


I mean I think I get what they were going for with the helmet. Kind of like a less scuffed Rangari helm from WoD. It’s kinda weird that one of the defining features of Draenei–their horns–isn’t taken into account with the helmets. From the preview the female model horns are there but not the males. I think the armor would look good on males (without the helmet), it definitely evokes the same vibe from the BC art. On the females though–it’s just ugly. Like what Zaim said, they could’ve done something really cool with a similar model as the Kul Tiran heritage coat, but this looks pretty lazy.

4/10. OKish to use parts of it I guess for a cool transmog.

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No, no fel crystals on the heritage. Nobody cares for a unification retcon.


I’m just going to paste what I said in a Slack channel earlier as to my reaction to the draenei heritage set:

Oh wow, draenei heritage sets looks… bad.

It doesn’t really emphasize “draenei” to me. Comes across more as “hey luk at me im dranny” while actually being an archaeological expedition setup that’s missing real pants because someone doesn’t care about their knees.

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This is exactly what I came here to say. I don’t mind the overall look, despite it not really filling my fantasy for Draenei. But the horn clipping really needs to be addressed before this goes live.

Currently the hot topic in my guild channel lol. Overwhelmingly “wtf were they thinking” response compared to the other sets.

Could be worse i suppose: could be the scarf or veil off the Troll set … WTF is that about LOL.

Art team is wearing down now. Unlike the dev team and people working on classes, the art team is usually a sure fire hit. This set (and Troll) are textbook “phoning it in.”

I think that thematically, blizz is on the spot on this set, it just seems that they dropped hard the ball on the differences between body types for Draenei.

Both the helm and shoulders look out of place with the rest, and the belt looks ugly on body type 2. Same issue with the chestpiece, that looks hideous and not so much on par with the simplicity of a nomadic race.

To add salt on the injury, body type 2 have that cool long coat on concept art, and we know that the tech exists because of kul tiran, but instead we again got robbed and the chest extension is part of the leg piece, making both parts strange when composing a xmog. The same happens with the cloth piece in front of the chest, that is attached to this gigantic belt, and make any belt-less transmog looks strange.

Body type 2 deserve it better, and I hope draeneis get the same treatment night elves got on their sets, with different chest pieces for body types 1 and 2.

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I don’t think it looks bad but I don’t think it looks good either.

It suffers the same fate as other races like Void Elf in having a REALLY bad helmet that ruins the set. Not to mention, it’s another heritage set that was not made for the race is is on - it was clearly made on a human model, because Draenei horns clip through the ugly helmet.

Sets shouldn’t look better without entire pieces of the sets:

Whereas I think objectively, they look 500x better without the helm or shoulders.


That’s, awful no matter how many pieces you pull off of it.


I feel bad for the Draenei players!

Pls redo that set Blizzard…asap :confused:
I thought about a white /glowing dress …the kind that Velen was wearing some time ago. But not…this…:confused:

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It’s not bad outside of the helmet and shoulders. It’s more or less what I was expecting. It looks exactly like the concept art for Draenei drawn by Glenn Rane.

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(post deleted by author)

lol ok idc it looks pretty nice to me.


Well your on Classic Server, so of course it’ll look good. Invisible clothes usually are beyond compare.