Will we ever be getting Draenei heritage armor? Didn’t see anything about this for the next expansion. Seems like we got left out again. If they aren’t going to give us it at least let us wear the lightforged set.
Velen lost it in space I heard. Plans for it got cancelled.
I’m sorry. I foresee the vindicaar crashing soon.
There won’t be any armour left.
I believe I read on WoWhead that the heritage armor will continue until ALL races have them.
Heritage Armor
Heritage Armor will continue until all races have them.
They want to continue doing them in Shadowlands patches, usually in X.5 patches.
I guess they’ll be all bare naked Draenei.
I would like to see either a Shaman-themed set or a Priest/cloth-themed set instead of another plate-themed set.
Yeah but when is that happening? I mean, how long does it take to design a few armor sets? Certainly not years? It’s baffling that other races have not received heritage armor by now
I would assume they have to design the quests as well. At any case, I think they just want to pace the roll out to give people a chance to focus on the ones that are released.
Since most of my characters are Draenei I can’t even do a single one that is released.
They have already said every race will be getting heritage armor. You did not get left out, nor are you the only one missing yours.
On Alliance: Humans, Night Elves, Draenei, and Pandaren do not have theirs yet. You will be fine.
I can live with that.
Someone will be left out if they only do 3 patches again. Having to wait forever sucks too.
I got the heritage armors for Blood Elf, Nightborne, Void Elf, and Lightforged and then changed all of them that I can to Draenei, so now I can’t use any except on my Warlock and Rogue Void Elves and this forum character. (Oh wait, I still keep one Blood Elf for a Horde character.)
Well, the alternative was we didn’t get any heritage armors was as the original plan. The only reason we’re getting any heritage armors is because the community begged and Blizz said okay.
I agree with the one that said should look humble it could have the race logo on the belt also World be great to have the option of broken for faces
And I am willing to bet plenty of people would use that option if available.
One in particular comes to mind…
I’ll bet it’ll be really cool and crystalline.
players: “where was the vindicaar during all of BfA???”
writers: “omg stop bugging us! you want the vindicaar so bad? fine take it!”
hurls vindicaar at azeroth
And give us all of the different colorations of the damn set.