Rangari are scouts and such for sure, but in WoD they have a fair knowledge and respect for the land.
What if…
Again Bear with me.
The Rangari in our timeline actually did continue to exist and act like Scouts and such but eventually learned from night elf and worgen druids to… you know. Be Druids.
Regardless, Kul Tirans get their druidic magics from the Drust, who are from Ardenweald, creating a connection with the Emerald Dream. Draenei (and orcs) aren’t even from Azeroth. How’s an alien gonna claim connection to a planet they just moved to? They are the least likely to ever be druids.
I’m going to be honest, I skipped most of this expansion because it sucks (check my raid prog from Legion, then BfA and now the current tier) and I missed that bit of lore. My bad!
The Emerald Dream and Ardenweald are intertwined. Those who reside in the Dream are sent to Ardenweald to heal and be brought back to life again using anima. To say an Azerothian has a connection to one and not the other can’t be true.