Hello! Hope everybody is having a nice day so far.
I wanted to express my thoughts on draenei customizations and why I think they didn’t get enough. Many of the races could also use more attention than they received with the big customization update absolutely and maybe even more in need than draenei but I don’t think I see many talk about the situation the allied race have created for our original draenei race.
The draenei are in an unfortunate position now, much like the blood elves, in that they now share a very close relative race that uses the same model, and also sort of share the same background. I believe for that, they suffer from having less options individually to give the illusion there are more options for more races.
The lightforged draenei received everything the draenei did after their update and MORE leaving the draenei feeling less exciting to create. The best thing that stands out for them now would be their unique skin tones. Beyond that their new customizations are now lackluster vs what is available for use for the draenei that didn’t flee Argus.
The broken horn options should have been something been made available to both lightforged and the Azeroth draenei. Or at least cracked horn styles, or perhaps dark blue scars. Something unique to stand out in a special and different way than the now magnificent looking lightforged. The draenei survived through a lot of war, they crashed into a planet and have fought alongside the alliance for a while now. They have not been standing around doing nothing.
I guess I feel that because these races share the same model and background as these other “new” races they are receiving less for some reason. Night elves and Nightborne are a great exception of the models whom share models but are capable of standing out completely from each other. Tauren also look great with their new mane and flower and tattoo/paint options but in a weird way have the opposite issue where highmountain tauren are the ones without so much difference.
Even though I am slightly hesitant to request any more effort be put towards the options, I hope maybe they can take a peek at this and add some more fun things to help us distinguish and tell a story using customizations for these races.
Maybe leave a comment on some things you’d might like to see and didn’t receive for our draenei race. I’m not the most creative in coming up of new ideas the draenei could have added. Maybe more crystal focused customization?
I’d like to see their hotter, redder, Legiony versions Horde-side.
But we do? The playable ones at least. Our ears are just upside down and they recently gave us squintier eye options and some faces a bit more like the NPCs. Other than that, we’re the same model.
We are not lol the standing stance is different, the run is different, mogs look VERY different, if you look at them side by side, they look SIMILAR but far from the same.
they really just need to put some real effort in with customizations for everyone considering this game has been around this long and there still lacking so bad
I don’t feel that at all. I always felt draenei got some of the best new options. And the lightforge ones feel very distinct. Draenei feel more rugged and hardened. Lightforged feel more regal and flowy.
I really wish Draenei had an onyx skin tone… that + purple eyes would look fantastic. Scars, blind eyes, etc would go really good with them too.
Also, for every single race but ESPECIALLY Draenei, I’d love mechanical limbs. There’s been a different war every year or few years, and yet no one is missing a limb?
Theres this modeler on YT (Keyboardturner) who has a vid showing what Draenei could look like with mechanical limbs (other races too) and they’d look so cool. Their mechanical limbs are sort of exodar looking, and they’d fit SOO well.
Draenei really deserve better tbh.
(also, side note… I really wish that LF Draenei were just a Draenei sub-race. That would open up a ton of more customizations to BOTH races.)
I’d like to see more tattoo options for LF Draenei. Also, more tail customizations. I think the one jewel is fine, but what about a fully armored tail?
Also the faces!!
I think there is only one face that smiles? I always choose that one. We need more happy Draenei.
The Broken/Krokul from legion are just Draenei with different faces/tails. Why not just offer those faces/tails as a customization option for the regular Draenei? Those faces/tails as customization options seem very doable.
I’m sorry, I don’t object to more customization for draenei, but it’s hard for me to get worked up about it when I have pretty much the fewest choices of any race. And all I really want is the choice to get rid of this camel lip and stupid grin.
Lol for sure. I acknowledge there are other races in need as well. I like the new Tauren options they have received but they need more face choices. Gnomes and goblins could have gotten better. Pandaren too.
Pandaren new hairstyles and fur colors are … errmmm