I personally want the longest, thiccest tail with a diamond encrusted butt ring (the ring closest to the butt) and the second ring should be lined in rubies. I also want extended noozles, gold on my horns, and hopefully some golden Nikes for my hoofs.
What are my fellow draeneis going to do with their characters?
omg if we get RED draeneis, you could have a lightforged draenei and a blue draenei with the red one and have a 4th of July celebration calling down fireworks from the Vindicaar!!!
Is it also true that you can actually be a lightforged draenei unholy death knight? I mean that doesn’t make sense, but neither does inflatable mount shoes. Maybe they should have inflatable draenei hoofs so we can be sneaky and roll rogues too.
I’d be pleasantly surprised if they went that in depth, but it’s likely just going to be some tail stuff, maybe 2-3 more faces and hairstyles and few new horn types.