Draenei and Troll heritage quests are great

We got our issues with the armor, sure

But like. The quests themselves? Top notch.

Honestly, once the bone issue is sorted with Draenei, I reckon they’re up there with the orc quests.


Draenei one was fantastic and basically everything I could have hoped for.

Just want my Artificer class now.


Yeah the quest itself is actually rather sweet. One of my favourites.

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Agreed, the Draenei heritage quest was amazing. Also, the Draenei-flavoured hearthstone is sci-fi spacegoat goodness.

The armor is…ok, but I wish they would have taken player feedback into consideration like they did with the Night Elf armor.

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I’d love to know how to get the quest. I had a dialog from Romuul pop up on one of my max-level Draenei, but I can’t use that character at the moment. So I logged into a different one, and the dialog hasn’t appeared. I know that Romuul was saying to come to the Exodar, but I wasn’t able to locate him there. What am I missing?

Does anyone know of any videos covering those questlines? Unfortunately I do not possess either of those races at max level.

I’ve seen some stuff on Twitter, not aware of anyone recording the whole lot as yet however

(may grab another Draenei to do it on in a few days though)

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Alright, thanks anyways, I haven’t found any videos yet, so I’ll be waiting for those.

The Darksppear questline while it was fun, It had really strange narrative choices.

Things I liked :

  • Rokhan being proactive and great chieftain. His respect to the loa, his devotion to his people, and that sick one liner at the end. <3 Love it. More of that please.

  • Bwonsamdi being there being lovely once again

  • Jani being fun again, but I’d rather have other Shadow hunter Loa present like Legba or Ogoun. Legba is Loa of Speed so I believe he would cover the issue of getting fast from one location to another.

  • Overall message, that Darkspears adapt and becuase they’re not the strongest, they have to work around whatever life throws at them, and I’d also add that because of that trait they produced the most experienced veterans among trollkind.

  • Fighting Muehzala was fun (but poor Echo Isles, it seems that they constantly get assaulted and cannot take a break)

  • I like that certain NPCS were updated like Gadrin who lost his red head color to grey highlighting that he is old.
    the coverage of the importance of Rush’kah

  • travel to Zul’Gurub

  • The concept of holy trinity (soul, mind and heart), too bad that Damabla was replaced with made up loa for the “brains part” >:/

The Bad:

  • I didn’t like the idea that Darkspears abandoned other loa. Not cool, Especially when in BfA you met traces like in Ty’Jin that he follows both Lukou and Dambala.

  • I’d so much rather have Dambala as Darkspear “brain” loa. He is Loa of deceit and treachery, he is extremely cunning and teaches the Darkspears how to outwitt their enemies. But Blizzard in their maturity thinks “treachery = evil”, instead of approaching the subject from creative point of view. That this Loa protects the tribe from schemers, frauds, liars by teaching them how they operate, and outwitt them instead. Damabla takes appearance of the Snake. It would be amazing visually if we had Snake Loa. I always imagined for Rokhan to have his blades blessed by Damabla, and the questline had Rokhan’s baldes blessed! If only it was Dambala I’d be extatic. But this is like “eehhh”.

  • Lukou - I groaned so much. For years Lukou was popular among roleplayers, especially female roleplayers. She is compassionate and benevolent, but she was meant to be associated with water domain and life. And I think it’s extremely trivial and shallow approach to turn her to a DRAENOR PODLING. Get it? Because Plants can regrow!

    Her title is also wrong, she Loa of Healing and respite, NOT regeneration.
    I’d so much rather if we had beautiful troll female that resembles water nymph. And I always believed that Lukou had a temple in STV where the Nagas are, where there is infamous font of miraculous water that has amazing healing abilities.
    I thought that place among waterfals high on the hill was perfect Lukou shrine. And I even remember making stories of paying tribute to her, and then having access to the blessed water. It would be a great throw back to the vanilla quest, and visually it would be more impressive if we fought in location like that against Naga who were present there for years, and Lukou being weakened was that Darkspears were exiled from STV and nobody bothered to RECOVER her shrine. Wouldn’t that be better explanation than Darkspears “abandoning her” outright? And I always thought that She would beautifully compliment Bwonsamdi. He being troll male and embodying death, She being troll female and embodying life.

So Lukou plot for me completely missed the mark. She had massive potential, and we’re stuck with an ooking Podling. I swear I want to shake someone who come up with it.

  • Rokhan with elephant mask. Please don’t… Either give him a mask that looks like from WC3 reforged or don’t bother at all. He looks ridiculous with it. Don’t cover his handsome face. >:(

  • Forcing me to wear this artrocity.

  • Reminding me that Zandalari lost Rezan Which was ridiculous idea

  • And the most amusing but not surprising at all - Not even mention of Vol’Jin. You’d believe that at least one Troll would reference him. Bwonsamdi also didn’t hint “You might get a new ally soon enough to make Darkspears stronger”. So not even that.


Overall the questline was fun, cannot say. But me as a long term troll player I am really frustrated on the choice of the Loa and how they were depicted.

And the low effort masks. Mask should be the most important part, and the additional ones don’t even fit the trolls - it’s almost like these items were made to be a wall decoration and NOT to be put on the face!
And the Heritage set head piece is ridiculous! Trolls don’t cover their noses with cloth!


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I get the feeling from this is it wasn’t deliberate, and they were abandoned so long ago that they’d faded from knowledge. Especially with everything in Stranglethorn.

The Darkspear were forced out of there centuries ago, after all, and its part of who they left behind.

It seems some Loa still are missing. Some could become new loa of the Darkspear like Gonk (Zen’tabra) and Krag’wa (Shadow Hunter Narez). Shango (Shadow Hunter Kajassa) could become canon. And Shirvallah (Zen’tabra) seems missing. She is a loa revered Darkspear Trolls.

We could extend the loa of the Darkspear with Gonk + Krag’wa + Shango + Shirvallah and see them one day with the Darkspear.
With Kevo ya Siti, Lukou, Jani and Bwonsamdi, Darkspear would have more loa and not just these four loa. More loa for the Darkspear the better it is. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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I did like the Draenei quests at the end when you see a lot of “old” NPCs that you’ve interacted with throughout the different expansions and even though you know what is going to happen at the event it still has an impact when seeing it.


I haven’t done Draenei yet, but I disagree about the Darkspear one. The questline itself is ok… But it didn’t really scratch my lore itch for an expanded Darkspear culture.


The quest (for me) was sitting outside the Embassy building with all the Allied race banners and stuff.

These quests felt a bit like zone revamp preludes.

Yeah they could’ve done so much better in this regard.


These Loa came from RPG book which was considered non-canon, but troll roleplayers expanded on it and made this site.

They could’ve rely on Fan work. And I know Blizzard is capable of doing that, in Legion they put fan project of Draenei martial art Jeh’din into life.

So why not Give us Dambala, Legba and Lukou as a troll female. I even know where her temple should’ve been in STV and it’s one of the most beautiful places in STV, but it’soccupied by Naga who took it over.
You could’ve hit 2 birds with one stone, help Lukou free her temple from Naga, and reflect on Darkspear’s past with them.

I wish this quest tackled relations with other troll tribes, but what we;ve got was a shade thrown at other bigger tribes, not cool.

And I hate the new masks. All of them. Making Rokhan wear elephant trunk is just… don’t do this to him. Either give him mask like he had in WC3 reforged or don’t bother.

Also gratz to draenei players. At least you scored a jackpot when it comes to questline quality.


Bringing fanwork into the mix always runs or invites issues though, which is the problem. The whole legal messes there. Plus, well, as an RPer I have… Never heard of that site, ever. And I used to RP a troll pretty heavily to the point I had a Zandalari in Vanilla

It is something that really needed to be done, though. Vol’jin was the only Darkspear character who really did anything, they’ve been under his metaphorical shadow ever since his death in BfA. The theme of rediscovery and going forward helps that. Plus, well, its supposed to be Darkspear heritage, not general troll heritage.

Draenei tinker!

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I don’t care what they call it as long as I get Draenei tech for animations and a permanent Artificer title.

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Jed’hin was a fan invention.
The site that I linked used Loa that were already in RPG WoW Book which wasn’t canon but players used that for the sake of improving their roleplay, as it was additional knowledge for playable race. So these Loas aren’t invented by fans, I meant that fans added a little extra flavour like Dambala being perfectionist and discouraging of using mind altering substances, to constantly keep mind sharp.

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