Draenei and Orc Demon Hunters

Maybe if they ever have a reason to train new Demon Hunters it could happen. But otherwise would be a retcon. And as it is now, with the Legion being defeated, there really isn’t a need for anyone to become a Demon Hunter anymore.

I’m cool with this.

Worgen paladins too, please.

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I doubt their “order” will just waste away until they’re gone. They have a world to defend. The Legion is but one threat.

No reason for them not to open up training to build their numbers back up.

They would sacrifice everything to save their world after all.

Toss in Night elves too while we’re at it!

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Elves are very long lived, and some Demon Hunters even have an “immortal soul” like Illidan has, and so them fading away isn’t too likely.

The thing is that there are many other ways to defend the world, and most of them do not require sacrificing part of your soul to become part demon. It was something that they did in order to combat the Burning Legion, but other threats don’t take such drastic measures.

Demons do still exist, and there may be a “Burning Legion Part 2: The Legioning”, but until then it’s not like they need to boost their numbers just for the sake of boosting their numbers.

Again I don’t see an organization wasting away like that. They’re gonna start recruiting before long. The power allotted may have been originally engaged to protect from the Legion but now that its there they’re not just gonna put it away and go on their merry.

In English, Blood is the word you’re looking for, hope that helps!

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You don’t get to decide. Blizzard does. Besides…if you know anything about the Draenei, you would know they would never embrace the Fel. It destroyed their home world.

Now if Blizzard came up with a reason and that made sense, then…

YES. i want orc and draenei dh so baaaaad!! especially if they had fel-orc and eredar skins! :smiley:

Come now I didn’t mean I was deciding for Blizz. :stuck_out_tongue:

I meant I came up with a plausible reason Blizz could use if they choose to.

In WoD we see Draenei choose the Legion. Its got precedent for them to go against the rest of their people.

Hmm…I guess that’s why we see them become part of the Army of the Light in Legion…

It’s not odd for a culture to have dissent.

I think they can easily implement Fel Orcs and Manari Eredar if they really wanted to. But they probably won’t because they want to push the slogan that only the very best have the ability to become Demon Hunters aka snooty elves.

Even though the Illidari house a variety of Demon Races, Broken Draenei, and Naga within their ranks.

As Guzzle up there mentioned there is a dev saying that now that they’re here there is no reason not to open up the class to other races.

Well besides the Draenei who did just that.

Yes and no. You’re talking about the eredar. The draenei (the word means the exiled ones) ran away with Velen after things went south on Argus because of the Fel and Sargeras.

I am talking about Eredar, because Draenei are Eredar. They call themselves Draenei because of the of the bad things their kin did. Just like Blood elfs are High Elfs and Green orcs are still orcs.

Again, yes and no. They are the same race, but have different principles. The eredar embraced the fel. The draenei did not, ran away with Velen because they were not happy with the decision Kil’Jaden and Archimonde had made. That’s why you saw the draenei join the Army of the Light in Legion.

Them being the same race makes it far more yes than no. The principles split didn’t happen until members of the race that are Eredar decided that fel was something they wanted to mix with.

So I suppose I should have said “The Eredar that would do just that”

The Draenei faction might not do it. But the race is capable and has done it.

And if the Night Elves who have nearly Identical experience with the demons/fel but instead of running they actually fought can except the Elves that became demon hunters I’m sure there are Draenei who would welcome their kin back into the fold to fight the greater evil.

There has been many things stated that became things later. Nightelves are mages, Allied races are DK. With time, other races may become DH’s.

Not according to what happened in Legion.

The point is not the wording, the point is even the eredar/draenei saw the consequences of that decision.

Why would they do it? The night/blood eleves who became the illidari/demon hunters did it because they lost everything and wanted to take revenge on the Legion after the third war (they realized that Illidan was right about what he had said). The Legion is done. Why give up your eyes, your soul, become a demon to fight a threat that is no longer there?

See above. The night eleves ‘accepted’ the DHs as a ‘necessary evil’ that was needed to finish off the Legion. Illidan’s way was unorthodox and crazy but he promised it would get the job done. It did, but again no need for anyone to be a DH now (at least for the time being/not talking about gameplay mechanics where you can go and create a DH character).