Dracthyr Visage Options

Will dracthyrs have more visage options next expansion?


If Ebyssian gets to be a big cow moose man, then I think the Dracthyr should have the same ability :smiley:


All the players want is to have a visage of any playable race, we’re fine if it means only have those dragon eyes for customization, we don’t care for the extras from the current visage form. Ex:


Visage options SHOULD have been customization options for other races when they picked Evoker.


A fun idea is a gnome visage form with the chromie (hat kid) dance. :dracthyr_comfy_bronze:


I have no idea who decided Evoker Visage forms needed to be anything more than the base race + dragon eyes + horns. They over thought it, and did too much.


^ Exactly what I’m saying! Just let players be whatever race for visage, throw some horns, dragon eyes, and that’s it, no extra work for blizz.

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I wish. I’d like my Horde one to have a Goblin visage and my Alliance one to have a Draenei visage.

I feel like it would be a good alternative to having evokers for all races. The class kind of necessitates being a dragon. They go hand in hand. So let the dragon person appear as any race at least.


You know devs “need a story reason” for everything. Dracthyr were created for a purpose. Assimilating into mortal society didn’t seem to matter to their maker.

Next xpac as evokers leave their islands, the devs can cook up some “reasons” why they need to be able to blend in on the mainland.

Additional visages seems like a perfect QoL for these guys to add in the next few updates / prepatch.

Probably not. Too much work and too many other races have need of customizations.

I just want the option to show my visage form on the log in screen.


No, and the answer will most likely always be no. Their time in the spotlight passed with the ending of 9.1’s story, and with it the window of opportunity to add more visage options. Not that they would ever get any, anyway, because their visages follow the same gender binary as everyone else.

Blizzard introduced dracthyr to complement a new class and prop up the black dragonflight’s story, then they kicked them to the curb to end the expansion on yet another night elf story. They didn’t even bother to make actual characters out of anyone other than Emberthal and Sarkareth, one of whom is now dead. They are NOT going to give one race the freedom to look like every other race, least of all one this neglected, and especially not in an expansion that’s going all in on the earthen, nerubians, and Titan stuff.

Blizzard reskins a race to sell as a new one: “BOOOOO LAZY”

Blizzard gives one race every other race’s models, verbatim, with some extra draconic customizations: “Yes, this is perfectly fine.”

They already put actual effort into the current visage models, which set a precedent for later options and meant they couldn’t easily switch to the faster alternative. The cat’s out of the bag, and they can’t put it back in.

When dracthyr take on a visage, they aren’t actually turning into a human or elf, they’re turning into an approximation of a mortal being, because their visages are stated to be different from what dragons use. That’s why they can’t turn into gnomes, orcs, or pandaren, and probably won’t be able to without some hackneyed explanation as to why they’ve suddenly evolved beyond what Deathwing made them capable of.

Lately, I’ve been coming around to the Visage Form’s current state. I still think there’s room for more morphological variety; body types and skin colors emulating races other than Humans and Thalassian Elves. Personally, I wouldn’t want just the other races models with dragon eyes and horns as I feel the scales and such make the Visage more unique, even if some of those options still need work.

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I never said that.

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I would love this idea. The male visage looks fine imo, but it’s mostly the lips on the female visage that bother me. To me, they always look like their pushing their lips out into a duck face. I’d mostly just like better options for the faces of the visages, but if I was able to make any of the other races, that would be even better. It’s also suitable with the lore already since all the npc dragons get to pick whatever feels the most suitable to them.

Since dracthyr are getting classes open up to them, I would say no to more visage forms since people will only play dracthyr to race change for free and there will be tons of them because of that.

Dracthyr can be in visage form while in combat except in evoker so it makes sense.

I doubt it, they will get forgotten like every other new class after expansion they launch in.

Only thing i wish they did was make it so i can stay in visage form in combat. I don’t like big lizards.