Dracthyr visage Form or lack of

Anyone else want to know why we are stuck to blood elf visage for Dracthyr when Ebyssian’s Visage can be a tauren?

I myself would prefer an Orcish visage.

Dev’s any plans to open up other visage options in the future?


It would be cool to have more options but I doubt Blizzard wants to put THAT much effort into it.

I’d be a night elf if I could for mine

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Some one made another post about it being geared towards alliance. due to Dracthyr only took a human/ appearance and no troll, orc, dwarf, gnome. only human.

Blizzard cheaped out as always. No other reason.

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It would be cool, but… Ebyssian is a dragon, not a Dracthyr.


his visage works the same way though i think

I really don’t know. It’s not like it would have been more work to let them just pick their visage race, you could just piggyback off all the existing customization options for existing races and not even have to make new art assets.

It’s just one of those things that doesn’t make any sense. It would have been easier and faster for blizzard to implement, and it would have made the playerbase happy. But somehow we ended up with what we got.

I got a feeling their are a handful of people on WoWs core design team in high ranking spots that throw out ideas and everyone is too politically correct to say “no that’s f’in stupid”


Yeah i dont even use mine i couldnt make anything i liked. I hope they add more races even if its just basic char models (no mix dragon scales).

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I’d really like a Vulpera visage. I don’t really plan to play Dracthyr otherwise. Foxes make me happy, so I’d like to play as a fox.


Second that like using Wowhead you can view NPC options which includes dragon eyes for all the races an Vulpera just look so perfect with them

Vulpera should have slit-pupils anyway since foxes have slit-pupils in real life (and I just want the option without needing to be a dragon to have the option) ;w;



Yeah… I agree, Dracthyr visage form needs more racial options… Specifically Vulpera, will pay for Vulpera Visage form please.

I wanted to have a draenei visage, but alas…human. I hope they open this up, because it doesn’t make sense to be stuck with blood elf dude and human woman.


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There’s a conversation in game about why Dracthyr visages are so distinctive. So there may be some lore reason we aren’t aware of, as to why they are limited in ways different from Dragons.

Instead of wasting time with the weird scale options everyone seems to try to hide anyway they should habe opened the visage form to all races with special eyes (the dragon slitted or cross pupils or the glowing) and maybe some horns and I think everyone would have been happier.

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It’s because dracthyr are defective. Neltharion was going to improve them, but then he got bored.

It’s implied that Dracthyr don’t really get to choose like dragons, and their forms are innate and “for a different purpose”

I don’t think their visages are meant to be taken as male belf/female human either. I think they were incredibly lazy and didn’t want to design a brand new model, so they recycled two of the most popular player models on both factions for mass-appeal.

I think their visages are supposed to be representative of generic looking humanoids with draconic features.


I made a horde dracthyr. Ebyssian said there could be something with the creation of dracthyr that limits their visage form. It’s possible there’s a detail about it as the race finds more about its past.

Really sucks they dont have any race to choose, given faction.

It is mentioned in the quest, offhandedly, by Wrathion that the Dracthyr visage forms are different in some way.

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They most definitely are.