Dracthyr Tmog

Since Dragon form tmog is so limited. Why is it that the armor colors are limited to like 8 colors and the border and fill are not seperate dyes. If you just ADD MORE COLORs and seperate the fill from the border you would open Dracthyr Tmog up completely.


I wouldn’t mind them at least fixing the blue colour that is already there. Half the pieces are blue, and half are purple. More colour options overall would be great though. :slight_smile:

The border and the fill being one choice is so annoying. Not being able to use the gold border with say the black fill or the red fill with the silver border limits tmog so much when just simply seperating the two would fix so much.


I wish I could just see my human form on my loading screen? Why can’t I?


They forgot to continue adding more unlocks to the barbershop. Very likely they expected it to be like the dragonriding customizations, keep adding stuff to those dropdowns.

But that was too much effort.

They accidentally got your actual race mixed up with a crappy Moonkin alternative and it will never be fixed.

Very sorry but this is your life now.

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But i just wanna see my ‘tmog’… oh please, I just wanna see!
“You can’t handle the truth” But please, I just wanna see my tmogs…
Just kidding round. If you watched the movie … you might get it.

They need to add more drac armors to the Barbershop at the very least…


A lot of the evoker sets look really good.

It’s a shame none of them match the colors available to Dracthyr.

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Silly is they have created several tabards and an armor set perfect to mix and match for dracthyr colors but haven’t released them. For some reason. :leftwards_hand::robot::rightwards_hand:

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I really wouldn’t mind not being able to properly mog a Drak if the colors weren’t so limited. I did the best to match my Drac with her own color scheme but it still doesn’t really look right.

I was going to post on her for effect but the forums won’t let me switch a character right now. :person_shrugging:


More options at the barbershop are needed or open up transmog for the dragon form. It’s really limited right now. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Also can we please transmog our visage form separately? I have to avoid using belts and shoulders in visage because of how it translates to my true form. The stress of making my transmog look good as a human but not interfere with my dragon-form is… :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


If they ever give armor transmog to Dracthyr form, this better exist. Because I don’t want to transmog my Dracthyr into human armor and I don’t want to be naked in Visage just so I don’t have to see my armor in Dracthyr form.

My biggest pet peeve right now…

Why do tabards have gold circles on the shoulders in Dracthyr form???

It’s driving me batty!

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