Dracthyr shaman

Blizzard, you gave us warlock before you gave us the shaman. The sixth aspect is an elemental protodrake. She is now one of us. There is lore connection there. Come on big L blizzard.


All the dracthyr shaman joined the primalists and had to be put down. It was very sad.

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Dracthyr Shaman and Druids should have been included for 11.0.5, but alas, were not.

The reason isn’t a lore one, it’s a time and money one. They don’t want to put in the time and money to develop racial totems for shaman, and forms for Druids, and they don’t want to introduce them without unique racial customizations when every other race that has those classes got unique customizations.

We’ll likely get them one day, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for it to be in the War Within.


You know in my mind I always associated the Black Dragon flight with elemental shaman type magic for some reason, so I was surprised they couldnt be Shaman.

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Can you clarify the lore for me a bit? I thought that Elemental Evokers were primalists (full dragons) and therefore not under the control of Neltharion i.e. a totally separate race?

I agree with you. It would make more sense to be a shaman before priest or warlock

I do hope adding shaman won’t preclude having a storm flight themed hero spec for evo once they start expanding the list but yeah, shaman made more sense than lock.

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Straight up they went with “what classes can we be lazy about” - it’s also probably why the one universal class that’s not in is the one that would need custom anims.


I am so sad that the only classes announced were the universal classes (I mean, all my classes that can be Dracthyr will be, but still…). I was hoping hardcore to make my shaman a Dragon. :frowning:

they added the casting animations… surely that means in the future we’ll get the totems added and have the class open up, right?.. right?

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