Dracthyr racials on other classes

The two AoE displacements that aren’t on DR is one of the big things for Dracthyr, and probably why Dracthyr Warrior or Rogue would be particularly nasty against casters. But it’s a racial benefit all the same, some things in PvE are immune to such effects. The other racials are rather low impact (Better flying, 1.5% mastery, better gathering, party-wide out of combat healing). Despite the power of the knockup/knockback combo. Since they won’t have access to the Evoker tree, both will be fixed at 1.5 minute CDs.

if racials are the ultimate ‘defining point’ of pvp balance you might just be bad.

I really doubt that Dracthyr will keep both active abilities. I think every other race in the game only has a single active combat ability for a racial, so Dracthyr would likely lose one of them. You could just turn the other ability into an Evoker class ability.

?? Drachthyr can also be Horde.


It will matter more in M+.
If Drachthyr keep their racials, every competititve M+ player will feel compelled to race change to Drachthyr. It will be like the old Blood Elf, only double.

I think they just mean as a collective, alongside the other Alliance races.

You sure about that? If surviving remains the bottleneck in high keys like I’m pretty sure it was last season, then I think it’s hard to beat Stoneform or Shadowmeld. AOE stops are great but if you’re dead because you ran out of CDs, that seems a bit more important.

It’ll be competitive with the best racials, for sure, but I don’t think it would be “100% the play is for everyone to be Dracthyr” if you’re timing 0.1% keys.

Hopefully they’re broken. I don’t want to play a Dwarf anymore.

Goblins have two, some classes have zero. “Having multiple abilities” isn’t really a stopping point.

Didn’t realize goblins have something other than jump. Never played one.

Yeah, one is rocket jump, other is just shooty rockets.

As soon as Drakthyr leaked as a race I urged them to make a wingless option for this very reason, but nooooooooooooo. I agree it’d be a huge blunder.

TWO AoE stops? That will help group survival immensely. Not just my opinion. Listening to Dorki, Dratnos, and Maximum discuss this now. Drachthyr racials would be almost mandatory for all.

Absolutely it helps with group survival, but I feel like there’s always several bosses each season like 3rd boss Uldaman where the cleanse can mean the difference between life and death.

Just saying that I think Stoneform would still be competitive for some classes.

And I could be wrong here! I don’t do those high keys.

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Since when are they CCs? Aren’t they just knockbacks?

Besides, most tanks don’t want a knockback, they want to pull mobs to them for gathering

If you knock someone up or back out of a cast or out of range of melee attacks is it controlling a crowd? Yes.

That +75% bonus armor racial is 100% getting moved to evoker specific, but i hope glide isn’t. Every class should be able to glide


Eh, they’re more akin to interrupts than full stop CCs.

Just a momentary disruption at best. You’re not going to lock somebody down with a knock back

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No one tell this guy Dracthyr are on both sides it’s more funny that way.

like vanilla

orc stun resist
undead wotf

hume perception back then in tbc

dwarf stoneform

nelf vanish

belf silence

that was mostly when arenas were popular as hell.

if anything racials were a huge in some wow pvp seasons for years