Dracthyr or Half Elf?

I’m not playing one but I’m inspired by two homies in my guild that play Dracthyr to make one. They really lean into the super soldier background that the Dracthyr have.

One is a cool cucumber serious character that you would expect from someone raised in a ridged military society. Yet, despite the serious outward appearance, they are friendly and curious about the new world they are in. The other, they’re fun, silly and have big dreams and goals of becoming a glorious hero recognized by all and love to show off their abilities and skills as an elite Dracthyr soldier.

It’s really cool and lucky to have two very cool and well played characters and with different approaches to the Dracthyr lore. When I RP with them, I’m like dang I want to make a Dracthyr.

If I ever make one, they’d be a mage and a character goal/motivator is to explore and learn from various magical groups and communities. There’s likely a lot of new spells and knowledge that was developed over the bajillion years they were in stasis that they would love to learn more about.

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I’ve got 4 Dracthyr, 2 Evokers, 1 Hunter and 1 Rogue.

One Evoker has a visage but despises using it because she feels it is not ‘her’, but keeps it in her back pocket for infiltration and moving about without people pestering her about being a ‘Dragon’.

The other Evoker abuses it violently and frequently changes his appearance because he’s a Sundered Flame fanatic who refuses to stop fighting, and seeks to find ways to inflame the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde to get vengeance for Sarkareth’s ‘unjust’ death at the hands of the Black Dragonflight and the ‘traitor’ Emberthal.

The Hunter Dracthyr can’t assume Visage form due to the same effect that drained her of all Evoker abilities while in stasis. She deeply mourns this because she so desperately wants to belong to something, but she can’t be an Evoker, all her ‘essence’ was drained away while she was in stasis, she feels she doesn’t belong in her Weyrn because she’s no longer able to function in her old role, and she’s regarded with awe and mistrust by the mortal races.

The Rogue Dracthyr uses his visage form almost constantly because its so much more agile and stealthy and his obsession with knowing everything is fed a lot easier by breaking in and stealing books and knowledge. He’ll turn back into his natural form when brute force or flight is necessary, but he’s ‘Gone Native’ as it were, and has almost completely disconnected from his Weyrn as a result.

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Everyone, everywhere should play a Dracthyr, at least one, after they have played a dwarf of course.

I’ve been reading through the Dresden books and jumped at the opportunity to roll a Dracthyr shadow “weaver”. The game was fun this weekend.


I decided that mine is a half-elf. I really like the visage choices for hair and coloring. OOCly she’s a priest, but I don’t think I’m going to have her be one ICly. I might have her be a catalyst for RP and give her a background as a type of character who would hire others to look for trinkets and artifacts. Dangerous trinkets and artifacts. What she’ll do with them is anyone’s guess, but that might drive more RP eventually if she accidentally borks something.


I don’t know the first thing about playing any priest specs but watching a Dracthyr in visage throwing around shadow magic was a good time. Will eventually work out a backstory as I get familiar with the mechanics of the priest specs.

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I Approve this message!

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This is what I also went with.

My dracthyr was inspired by the dracthyr starting zone quests. It’s a blink-and-you-miss-it moment but as you approach one of the alcoves to try and awaken more of your fellow dracthyr, a cave-in blocks the entrance. The dracthyr in stasis are untouched but were — at least at that moment — inaccessible. So when I rolled my dracthyr late in the expansion, his backstory was exactly that: He was too deep into the caved-in creche to be found until much later.

This presented a unique challenge to him. While most of his kind already had upwards of six months (unsure of the timeline) to adjust to the 20k year time skip, culture clash, and betrayal of Neltharion, he walked out into an unfamiliar world where no one was surprised that dracthyr existed anymore and all his fellow dracthyr were already decently adjusted to the new norm. This made his acceptance of the circumstances much, much harder because he felt it was gripping with it largely on his own. Because I also made him on the younger side of dracthyr (as in, “hatched” from the test tube not too long before stasis), he also felt robbed of his original dracthyr “heritage.” This made him pretty much resentful of everyone. Anger issues were abound and he was a bit of an antagonistic force for a while while he tried to find his place in a new world.

As time went on, a worgen monk of all characters ended up befriending him and he was in a unique place to teach my dracthyr about how to handle his feelings of rage and betrayal. My dracthyr began down the path of monk and is now wandering Pandaria in his visage form to try and experience the world the way the “wingless” do.

All this happened organically and wasn’t planned. I was a bit bummed when monk wasn’t added to dracthyr classes and while I contemplated leveling a warrior as a stand in, I’ve decided to wait so I don’t have to level him too many times.

Oh, and he’s also a huge fan of Ming’s dumplings at the Red Wing Tavern, to the point that sometimes he’s prone to eating the actual plate.


Does that include Dracthyr who want to join the Horde?


Afterthought. It’s because Dracthyr bring out the short stature of forsaken and orcs. That’s why the disdain for Dracthyr.

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Dragons manipulating and ruining the lives of people is really more of an Alliance side thing.
Ask Lady Prest…oh right. >.>


You ever noticed the eye holes on your helmet are too high for your eyes to actually see out.


Who said that?


With the blast shield down he can’t see anything!


The Dracthyr Warrior I made is IC just Sarsi except horde friendly since also IC Sarsi is not kill on sight in Orgrimmar this lets me RP in the city without being force flagged or dealing with guards and errant players.

And I wish we had so many of the hairstyles they get, and hair decorations. I think an ideal combination would be the human customizations with all the dracthyr Visage ones added on. It would be really cool.


Dracthyr as Dracthyr have never grabbed me, but that’s just because I focus so much on human charscters and their stories.

Stories that are, or can be, more beautiful because humans are doomed.

Ironically my character where I explore themes of having ko culture or people, which should be a shoe in for a Dracthyr trying to find my themselves, went to my Alteraci character.

I love exploring humanity more than anything probably because I am actually just three bears in a trench coat in real life learning what makes humans tick.

Is this the welcome wagon thread for new Dracthyr?

Did I miss the gnome roast? Gee, I hope I didn’t miss the gnome roast. Coming out of stasis makes one very hungry.