Dracthyr Not Getting Shaman Is a Big L

Does blizzard even play their game?


Paladin, shaman, death knight and druid haven’t opened up to all the other races yet.

If I can at least have a panda druid that’ll make me happy.


Well imo there shouldn’t be any class/race restrictions but the shaman thing actually makes sense for the Dracthyr. Their whole ethos is that they’re creatures created by Titan magic to fight against the elementally infused protodragons. And if we’ve learned anything about the elemental spirits is that they can be fickle and sure know how to hold a grudge, lol.

Dracthyr Druid and pally makes zero sense. Fight me.

pretty sure they just don’t want create totem assets

kinda wish they had instead of making that off-brand bwomsandi ascendance form cause it probably would have been less of a waste of their time


Not the paladin, but the connection to the Emerald Dream they should be able to learn druidism from the green dragonflight.

For now I just want my long wait for panda druids to be over.

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I really wanted a Dracthyr Shaman but Paladin should have been possible too, they can be Priest… So holy magic is not a problem i guess.

Hey we got these dragons that are based on the different elements.

Let’s not give them the class based on elements.

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Instead lets give them access to the light/void, and fel/demons!

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Don’t even get monk like come on that one doesn’t require extra assets like totems or anything.

Imagine if they made a generic totem so any race could be them id love that.

Dont get me wrong racial totems are very cool. But its better to open it up imo.

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I do have 1 question, even if they actually made the class choices make frigging sense, would anyone actually play this god awfully designed race?

No idea why they don’t just add the more masculine dragon appearance as an option. It’d be one of the most played races with that.


If you played DF for even a second, you’d know Shaman/Primalists are the villains for Evokers lol.

They said the same thing about Dranei locks back in the day.

I don’t think there’s a single lore reason for why more races can’t pick shaman. I literally think it’s just because they couldn’t be bothered designing new totems for them.

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No they aren’t. We made nice with some of the primalists/Sundered Flame and killed all the rest.

Totems are the reason, and it’s crazy that one little model with a variable-color swirly applied to it is too much work.

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With the situation of the lore right now we shouldn’t have any restrictions