Dracthyr model

Here’s how i want this thread to work.

  • if you support the current model, please leave a " 1 " in your reply.
  • If you are against the current model and want a change, leave a " 2 " in your reply.
  • if you are unsure or do not care please leave a " 3 " in your reply.

after each hour ill tally and recount all votes. i will only pause voting when i need to sleep and will edit when im doing so.

Reason I’m doing it this way is simply to not run a 3rd party site. I will maintain neutrality in my counting and leave my opinion out of it.

This is to strictly give blizzard the most amount of feedback for this new race on there site so they can verify the integrity of player feedback.

current count
1 : 35
2 : 47
3 : 23

I closed the voting after some time of no voting. someone necroed the post. im not continuing the count but i do not discourage others from voting or counting in my place



If I may develop, I’d be even happier with that one slightly retouched model with broader shoulder, bigger jaw and overall sharper angles, but I am happy enough with the current iterations and do not want them to become a gorilla.

If transmog not showing counts in the model’s rating, then I’m overriding my vote to a 2

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They’re completely ridiculous. But then again, so are mechagnomes and they have a cult following.



I’m more irritated with the only class they can be. I’m okay with them being just Evokers but the Evoker class is Heals and Range DPS only.

Both the race and the class become a dead feature for players like me who lean more towards melee and tanking.

  1. 10characters.

2 they’re ugly as sin. I want cat girls man :frowning:



My opinion may change once I get my hands on the customizations. Too much speculation without enough testing.



I quite like it. It’s basically everything I wanted in a playable race. :slight_smile:



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Why not do a Strawpoll? They’re as legit as this. 2, though. Model is fine, but needs transmog enabled.


Strawpoll isnt bad however, it can be scrutinized by anonymity and duplicated votes via botting. plus its a third party site so people wouldnt feel too comfy clicking on sus links
I dont want to give blizzard any thought of tampered feedback. through this action they can see which person voted and if a person voted twice on a alt or such.
ill count your vote in the first section since you asked a question that fell in the first round of counting.

In here you could switch characters and vote again.
So not really a difference.

I personally would like if blizzard would officially announce, that Dracthyr can become other classes along the line.

Other than that 1


yes and i believe blizzard could shift through each vote to see who is duplicated. where strawpoll they couldnt.

1, they look better than the males of most of the playable races

I don’t really care if transmog is enabled because most transmog just looks ridiculous on characters whose bodies are very different from humans. I think I used my Legion level boost on a pandaren monk and instantly regretted it when I went to transmog my gear; all the pieces that looked great on my belf monk were totally warped on the pandaren



I want a female version like this:
And a male version like this:
I want strong, dangerous looking dragonoids!



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I’m split between 2 and 3.

I don’t really care about the entire thing in general and just hope the story will be good. But I do support the inclusion of more model variety so that more people are happier.

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i wont be able to split the vote. are you able to feel which one might be a bit more then the other? even if slightly more. it would be appreciated. sorry for the inconvenience

I’ma go with 2 then

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