Dracthyr Hide Armor toggle

Can we get a toggle option to hide all our (transmog)armor in Dracthyr form? I want to wear a tabard in my visage form, but I don’t want to wear the tabard in Dracthyr form because it looks like it’s held together with stickers pinned to my chest.

Would be nice if we could also hide belt / etc. or transmog both forms seperately entirely.

Just to clarify, I’m talking about transmogable armor pieces and not the dracthyr armor you put on at the barbershop.


If we ask for something, let’s ask to have draconic form be able to show the actual armor we equip.


No I hate the idea and the sheer amount of cash I’d need to keep the two looks separate (or the fact that I’d need to have the transmog toy on hand everytime I want to shift).

Literally no draconic NPC wears player gear in their real form. Also literally none of the gear will ever be tested to work in drake form.

NPCs and players use same base model, and since the dragon form doesn’t allow players to see the armor, same happens to NPCs. If they fix it for players, NPCs will also be possible to update. In my opinion the fact Dracthyr dragon form never had proper armour enabled is either a travesty or sheer laziness that needs to be amended ASAP. Forcing everyone to use visage form to enjoy armor on this race is simply bad.

Why have a draconic race if you want people to hop around as a recolored male blood elf or female human?

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Or, and get it, it’s thematically fitting for the fact that the race is dragonkind.

And considering that they will never, ever, in a thousand years, test the gear on all the skeletons (they don’t even test gear on anything besides a male human), I consider it a blessing.