Dracthyr heritage

Quite excited for evoker class, not going to lie. (Alpha appearance(s) aside.) It is by far the closest to a true Reptilian character we can have. Anyone else Argonian for life? ;).

My excitement aside:
Its a great time to theorize what may or may not come. Limited to Dracthyr heritage roots What might be your take?

For myself, I am just hoping we do not get another Illidan styled arc.

I for one hope the Dracthyr introduction isn’t demon hunters 2.0. By that I mean, at some point in the ancient past, Neltharion told us to hide/evade detection for our true purpose or possibly enemy. Similar to Illidan and his DH in the introduction. (Maybe he already sensed the Old Gods whispers and foresaw the future.)

On that note, I also hope we don’t see some sort of redemption arc for Neltharion. (I am sort of expecting a lot of Neltharion references and uses, as opposed to when he became Deathwing.) I don’t want the Bronze Flight to help us, or take us back to ancient times where we were somehow allies with Neltharion. A dungeon could be neat.

Similar to how we needed Illidan to fight the Legion, will we ultimately need Neltharion to battle The Void? (The true masters of The Old Gods.)


This is exactly the introduction though. Dracthyr were create by Neltharion. They have been in this area of the Dragon Isles for the last 10,000 years and you will play as they work their way out of that zone and into the real world. This was outlined during the expansion reveal.

What would they have been doing for 10,000 years if not hiding?

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They have been sleeping not hiding

Since Dragonflight is being labeled a “low stakes” expansion i’m just supposing the Dracthyr are gonna wake up and be like “Well it’s been 10,000 years, time to do something i guess” and then proceed to join the alliance and horde research expeditions.

Much like the night elves and nightborne.

They said in the reveal that when the island went dormant, so did they. They’ve been napping for 10,000 years.

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No it’ll be pandaria all over we will end up crashing there for some reason

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I stand corrected. Though a nap could be a good way to hide.

I’m happy you’re happy but I don’t even like dragons.

I’m more excited about the other things. Mostly I’m excited to put shadowlands in the rear view

Oh i fully expect the Explorer’s League and the Reliquary to make a crash landing on their island.

After all, Blizzard said that at the end of the starting area, you’d choose which expedition you’d like to be a part of, and that was how you’d join the horde/alliance.

Also kind of hoping for the sake of their visage appearance making sense, that there are only a couple representatives from each group (a female human and male blood elf or two), and to meet them you have to take on your visage form for the first time.

That would at least reconcile why a 10,000 year old race looks like two races that weren’t really around back then.

You ever nap under a pile of fresh laundry? If the pile is big enough nobody will know where you went!

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My name is Sasarai and I approve that message

Wonder if the Green Dragonflight knew of them or had a connection to the Isle itself while they slumbered in the Emerald Dream :thinking:

Too late! The trailer shows the ancient past for Dracthyr…

So, this is a thread for Scalies or…?

The dracthyr are an ancient race of humanoid dragonkin. They have the ability to wield the magic of all five primary dragonflights as evokers, and, like true dragons, shapeshift between a draconic form and a humanoid visage.[1] The dracthyr were created in the ancient past by the black Dragon Aspect Neltharion, who combined the essence of dragons with the adaptability of the mortal races to create a race of ideal soldiers.[2] Neltharion crafted the Forbidden Reach off the coast of the Dragon Isles to serve as the dracthyr soldiers’ training ground, but after a terrible battle, the island laid dormant and abandoned for ages. Recently, however, the return of an ancient enemy caused the dracthyr to stir, and they now seek to forge their own path in Azeroth by joining both the Alliance and the Horde.[3]

This doesn’t claim the in depth roots they might have. Certainly doesn’t point towards a reskinned demon hunter introduction, yet. Nor does it state the purpose of the soldiers. I think a lot of their history, purpose has to do with whether Neltharion heard whispers at the time or not. How big of a threat of was that ancient evil/power that he needed to craft an island and race of soldiers in secret? from the other flights. Was it to abttler the primal dragons? (So to speak,) or connected to the void and old gods in some fashion or another? Could the terrible battle spoken of be connected to Deathwing, or the primal dragons?

It has been confirmed the main antagonist will be someone/something we are introduced to over the course of leveling, and new. There has also been confirmation that although the Dragon Aspects were given their powers by the Titans, there were others who thought it un-natural to pursue such a calling and believed they should remain as they were, dragons. They have been iterated by, (Ion I think,) to have made some sort of pact/joining with the elements. That they and the Flights we have come to known as protectors clashed in ancient times and now, (after all this time,) are rumoured to have their alphas, attuned in such a way with their respective element, that the Aspects are outmatched.

Maybe their heritage armor will be onesie pajamas.

I would be pissed…my panda wants pajamas

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Best race in all of ES lore and I will not be told I am wrong.


Sethrak and Saurok say hello. They don’t need any silly humanoid forms and are proud of their reptilian heritage. Hopefully, we’ll see them as playable races someday!

But yes, I’m also excited for Dracthyr. I just think that character creation screen could use some more reptilian races is all. :snake: :crocodile: :turtle: :dragon:

If I play Elder Scroll games, then of course! Lizardmen races are my favorite fantasy race and I always make one in a game that allows me to when possible! :lizard:

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I prefer the Iksar and the Dragons from Istaria, but yeh, I like reptilian races too. I have spent the last few years waiting for a reptilian race in WoW. Heh, when they were announced I ended up going to my Discord, and my guild was already saying variations of “well, I guess Nyr is finally switching from Mage.” :stuck_out_tongue:

As for Deathwing? All we know is Dracthyr were created pre madness. Altruistic motives wouldn’t redeem what happened later. I think it’s more likely we will get something showing he had good him in the past, before he went insane. We do know Dracthyr were created to fight a specific enemy though. My bets are the Primalist Protodrakes, or those weird giant things we keep hearing about.

I do not think we we will go back into time and save Deathwing, or anything like that. I think the story will prolly focus on moving forward. Looking at where we came from, and then finding our future out in the world as it is now. Least I hope so.


You forgot the part where they are also going to decide to assume the forms of two races that didnt exist when they were created

“What do we want to look like? I dont know but those two specific wierd creatures over there look cool. We definitely dont want to look like those other races that were around when we were created.”

I still will take Naga with two forms … or Ogres…
and maybe Saberon for the Alliance