Now i feel obligated to spam space bar whenever i have to run.
Yes it is the double jump meta
Weren’t DH doing this already
yeah they were, and since they have an actual double jump they are better at it
Its the gliding thats faster, just double jump on a DH is the same speed but open the wings and go slightly faster.
It has been faster for a while, that is why you see DHs gliding instead of running.
I just wish the Visage form didn’t have that goofy float animation for gliding. I’d much rather transform whenever a glide is in effect.
So, Demon Hunter had this since their release 6 years ago… But is fault of the Dracthyrs?
They are getting less and less creative to say they don’t like the race in the forums…
First of all, it’s not double jump. It’s just glide. Only DH has double jump + glide.
Blizzard invested in keyboard stock, many keyboards will be replaced in this expansion.
Nothing new, I already did that on my DH, and it’s always been FUN.
Glide increases speed by 100% - Last night I was in LFR jailer. I was on my ground mount running down the stairs to the boss. An Evoker right next me was gliding down the stairs. Due to the angle of the stairs he remained airborne the entire time so didn’t have to land.
I noticed we were moving exactly the same speed. Conclusion: Glide boosts speed by 100% while the Evoker is airborne.
Welcome to being a DH!
Tfw DH gliding is still better than actual dragons gliding.
Maybe you guys should try losing your eyes too.