Dracthyr Armor/transmog

With the addition of the new classes it feels like its time to look at this again and decide if dracthyr should have regular transmog like everyone else (regardless of clipping) or if more colors to the dracthyr armor should be added. Trying to enjoy the dragon form when the shoulders are always off color a long with the belt is a bit frustrating. I’ve found a very select few pieces that work in both forms.


Proper transmog should 100% be a thing, but both is good. More customization is always good.


Personally 100% fine with some clipping, to get more armor transmog. Feet/hands prolly gonna be the hardest to compensate for, but draeni mogs as a base for feet at least should help.

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The full evoker tier set except perhaps the helm and cloak need to show on dracthyr form.

If you look at our Evoker sets, when only the shoulders and belt show, they don’t even bother to make the tier set colors match our barbershop armor colors.

Look at the blue variant of TWW’s S1 evoker set. It has COPPER instead of the SILVER tint that should be accompanying the blue.

It’s so aggravating, that belt and shoulder piece will not be matching any of our blue+silver dracthyr racial barbershop armor.

If you’re not going to allow full armor to show, the least you can do is to not make what armor will show unable match the colors of our other racial armor.

Come on, respect the motifs.




etc etc for the other ones.

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They really should separate out the transmog for visage and dracthyr forms.

It’s so wild to me that you put on a tabard in visage form and all of a sudden half your armor in dracthyr form goes away.

Let alone the fact that zero belts look even remotely good in the half built state they have right now.


maybe in 12.0 :partying_face:

Also let drachtyr show there weapons on their backs. For casters it isnt much of an issue but for melee like fury warrior it just goofy to pull out two bog two handers out of nowhere. Theres a reason u always see fury warriors showing their weapons on their back instead of hidding it in those special backpieces

The draconic race not wearing regular player armor in true form is not a bug, it’s been design intent since DF launch. Dragons don’t wear raider clown suits and are probably better for it.

You have the option not to wear it.

Not if they don’t split transmog I don’t.

Besides let’s recap here: bliz has never offered it, so the state of things is you lot demanding things to water things down.

They can let dracthyr have transmog and have the barber armor as well. There is no my way or the high way here.

Okay but there is literally no point.