Dracthyr are effeminate lizards with no transmog options and grafted bodies in visage form. AM NOT TROLLING!

I like turtles too!


Uh…you do know that Dragons in WoW traditionally take on Blood Elf or Human forms, right? So taking those base models and adding some unique features to them, namely the scales, horns, ears, and noses is actually adding in something unique to Dragon Lore, and new. While also staying true to the WoW Dragon fantasy.

They ARE Dragons, both in the game, and in design. Are you gonna say Cloud Serpents aren’t Dragons next?

The idea/concept of a Human sized Dragon race is nothing NEW to fantasy, and those races are all considered to be still Dragony within their franchises.

Such as Dragonborn, or Argonians to name the more popular ones, and those even lack wings (depending on how you set your Dragonborn in DnD for the former that is).

What were you expecting, some Draenei Male sized Shoulder/Chest hulk, with smaller legs? Proportionally that wouldn’t look very dragon-like either.

This likely won’t ever happen. There is lore in game that states all Dracthyr are essentially hard coded to have this type of visage. As cool as selecting your own visage race would be.


I definitely need to hear more of this intelligent, mature and well-thought-out analysis.


No u

Besides people where saying the exact same thing whenever Blizz released Anime Barbies and last i checked they’re still around.

Dracthyr aren’t going anywhere.

Yep really bad and lazy design.

Why can’t they fly, oh thats right… its because of blizzard dumbs that have no idea what wings are used for…

Go outside look up, watch birds… lol blizzard gailing this hard is so sad. But thats liar ion for ya… lies and makes the game worse.

Bingo! Take all that wasted time making hundreds of crazy hair styles and color combos and just let the player choose their own Visage and use the current customizations for that race.


Always elf or human players

Orc smash zug zug

The dracthyr look cool, just because you want a big butch lizard to man-handle you doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t appreciate our pretty, scaly friends

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Yup thats what comes in my mind when I see a dracthyr its so pathetic and goofy


My best friend just bought me DF and I attempted to make an evoker. I gave up after ten minutes, they are just way too goofy.

The humanoid model is hysterical, the face options are all horrible. You can’t get rid of the forehead scales…

I was just thoroughly unimpressed. I’m glad the scale version of furries got the sethrak they’ve been asking for, but count me out, I just couldn’t do it lol


I guess one person’s cool is another person’s goofy. I’d rather have a new Pandaren race introduced every expansion for the rest of wows life than play a dracthyr, but that’s just my opinion. You’re certainly entitled to hold alternative viewpoints.

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Absolutely not xD


le probleme avec les dracthyrs c’est qu’ils sont introduitent comme une race menacante et sérieuse alos qu’ils resemblent a des lézards humanoide éfiminé. C’est comme si les développeurs essaye de te convaincre que le caninche royal est un prédateur dangereux.

yea I know you like it don’t act like you are the exception to the rule it is well documented just type dragon furry and all you will see is over sexualized cartoon characters this community is mad weird and trying to put their dark fantasy in the game

Soo idk what tangent you’re on but I 100% do not go into any part of what you’re describing.

I make costumes and art and that’s about it. But hey thanks for the great laughs before bed. XD

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Bruh its the internet.

Folks make naughty art out of women buying wonder bread for hecks sake. Furries ain’t weird anymore

just for the laugh have you searched ‘furry dragon’

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And ya. Furry dragon. Furry wolf. There’s tons of art on it.

I never said I wasn’t a furry it’s just I never dabble in… whatever that is you’re describing and the other previous thing that I’m not gonna repeat. Just… no.