Dracthyr Appreciation Post

So, it took me a bit to get mine made. Watched the forums complain and spew the normal toxic garbage for a few days. Expectations were low because of this, and boy-o-boy was I pleasantly surprised!

I love dragons. Always have. Always will. They are the alpha predator in most fantasy lore. Smart, magical, strong, viscous, cunning etc. Historically BAMFs in all ancient folk lore, literature, and legends.

I have collected many dragon items in my life, and have a collection both at home and work. I have played pretty much anything involving dragons.

Yes, I am Biased, but also know what I am talking about. The Dracthyr are pretty awesome. The style is great. People want to complain about size or customization. They want to argue wing size. The list goes on. To the haters, you are wrong. As far as humanoid dragons go, these are fairly spot on. Sure wing size could be bigger but given the character models not a big deal.

The customization has depth. Do you understand the variety of species you can design with this? Probably the best customization the game has imo.

Soar is tops. Nothing beats jumping into the air and hitting mach 5. I can’t get enough.

The abilities? Are you kidding? I can jump up and flame blast an entire line of anyone unfortunate to get in the way. I can use my wings to push enemies away, and follow up with blasting them to smithereens.

If you are unhappy with this expac already, or the character, you certainly have that right, but the community will never be happy. If I wasn’t at work doing this off my phone I would do more. I know you don’t care, but there needs to be some defense against the hate.

To all my dragons out there, see ya in the skies!

Tl;dr - If you are newer, or skeptical, and keep reading the forums, ignore it. It is worth it. Dracthyr are great.


Shame the class plays like hot garbage… at least the DPS spec. “Advanced class” lmao

I agree! Love my dragon lady >:)

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Disagree. But I also don’t care about being the top 1%. It’s early, and we got a lot of time to see changes improve.

If all you think matters in MMORPGs is damage or stat numbers, you be doing it wrong. :wink:

You must not be playing it right or something. It’s awesome fun.

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Not about damage or topping the meters, its about lack of abilities. It’s a brain dead spec. I didn’t think they could make anything more brain dead than demonhunter’s rotation and yet some how they did lol

Come on. Every spec is brain dead. You hit 4 buttons or so in an order every few moments. Nothing in MMOs is exactly hard. :wink:

I’m enjoying it as well OP. It’s fun. At mid-range you have to be aware of your distance a lot more than a normal caster. I don’t think it’s brain-dead at all. You have to make decisions based on 2, 3,4, and up as far as aoe. Single target is simpler, but navigating is where the challenge will be imo.

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Coming from a druid.

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Although the advanced thing is dumb, I really liked the brain dead spec. It lets me be a little bit better at the game.

Years come by and muscle memory and reflexes are not the same as they where 14/16 years ago. :sweat_smile:

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This speaks to my soul. :sweat_smile:

No U

:dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Preservation is cool, then I encountered the limited range and realized I’m not leveling them (outside of beta) until they fix that, because LoS is the most frustrating thing EVER as a healer.

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I’ll keep harping on the lack of adequate transmog on the draconic form until I feel that this issue has been addressed…

… but that being said, I’m having a blast. I’m a huge dragon guy, too. I had been pitching a Dragonsworn class since I first read about the concept in the WarCraft RPG material. This is a step beyond that. They look great, and they feel great to play.

I just wish I didn’t have that cloud hanging around my head.

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100% with this. I do believe we havent seen all the tricks up their sleeve yet! But I know that trust in Blizz is at a low.

Ion did say that they’re be able to “do more” with Evoker tier gear, as that gear was designed explicitly for Dracthyr. Based on that statement, I held my tongue. Then we got tier in beta on our Dracthyr.

And it was just this:

Same as any other set. Pure disappointment.

Then yesterday, we get Morgan Day saying that they’re happy with their current situation, even through it’s possible for them to enable the rest of the slots.

It’s such a kneecap to my enthusiasm.

I absolutely love mine. I haven’t enjoyed retail wow this much since cata, no joke.


I love the lore of the Dragon Aspects and the Titans, really excited to see where this storyline is going. I have patiently waited for the Evoker class to release to see if I would like them, and it’s been a lot of fun, as a primarily Priest Healer since 2007 I have wanted something new and different, and this is definitely feeling fresh. There are some things that Preservation feels a little clunky, but that could be that I’m still learning how it plays, we will see in the coming weeks how they really feel. :dracthyr_nod:

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I would love if we had an ability that lets us full time fly using our wings…cap it at 310% and treat it like a flying mount with riding skill. Make it instant cast tho so we can jump off high stuff and just open our wings and fly.