Dracthyr and black dragon flight

No matter which interview you watch wether its the initial launch and deep dive or some of the youtube interviews they say the same thing that makes me mad every time because you know they are doing it on purpose.

Their exact wording is the dracthyr draw their power from all 5 dragon flights, red and blue for damage; Bronze and green for healing.

They Intentionally leave off black and scoffed at the idea of a ranged tank spec being added for black. I think that means black is the main tree talents or they are currently working on a second dps spec for black and bronze since they worked great together in the fight against Galakrond.

What is your guys opinion of it?


I dunno but I love all things evil, including Black Dragons, and I noticed it missing too.

Tank spec would give me a reason to even try Dracthyr at the very least.


I want a frostwyvern dragon flight, thats the only way id make one…

LET ME BE god damn zombie dragon lol

dragons are lame unless they are undead

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I think their utility and defensive are going to be themed around the black dragonflight since those are things very neutral betwen specs.

The focus of the damage will be red and blue
The focus of the healing will be green and bronze

But they already agreed that red should also help heal since lifebinder and that bronze should have some dps focused spells or ccs. To me that points too earthwarder being where they draw there defensives from (also the black dragon themed spell icons shown in the UI update preview)


Dragons not having a melee and / or tanking spec is hysterical. I am way more interested in everything announced for Dragonflight besides the playable dragon race which is… shocking. Blizzard found a way to make dragons boring.


I hate warriors but i might make a dracthyr warrior that uses fist weapons if they really do open them up near the end of the expansion just to have that dragon warrior stormtrooper feel theyre supposed to have

a dragon but can’t tank. due to “reasons”… looks at a lvl 1 critter, oh they can melee
the dumb intelligence of lizzard cluelesstaintment.

I think not making a Black Dragonflight spec a tank spec for the Dracthyr is a travesty to the playable dragon fantasy.


I doubt it will happen you never know though maybe it will be like a .5 patch and all of a sudden they can tank. it is just not in a finished enough state to launch that way, so they arent annoucing it that way and instead are focusing on the fact its the first new ranged class since launch

Now that you mention it.

I didnt hear them once talk about dracthyr and black dragonflight aside from neltharion experimenting and creating them before he went insane 10 thousand years ago.

So what kind of power are they wielding from the black dragonflight if at all.

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Before he was a aspect he had a sand attack breath along with the bronze dragons and was tougher. So maybe the stuns and an armor effect spell similar to the warlocks demon armor spell

So when they were proto drakes they had element breath attacks?

I did not know that.

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Yea red had fire
Blue had ice
Green had like a calming almost mind control like breath
Brown and black had earth attacks
The other dragon flights that didnt get turned into aspects had lighting and other types of attacks

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That is very interesting. 14 years of playing this game and being a lore enthusiast and i didnt know that about the drakes.

The black aspect may be where their racials come from since they were created by Neltharion. I would love to see an Earthwarder tank spec as others have said though. Either another sword and board or a transformation not unlike Druid or DH.


Slender, goofy, Jar-Jar Binks-esqe fragile and squishy advisors and councilors. Truly what I think of when I think of when I think “Draconic Soldier”.

The lack of a dragon tank is boggling, and honestly their design as a whole is just super questionable. I’ll likely roll one just to see the narrative of their new starting experience, but I doubt I’ll play one at end-game as my favorite role to play is tank.


Cuz Blizz thinks everything black is evil.

If that’s so, seems someone can’t do math. Or, it means they do plan on adding a 3rd spec to them and make it a tank spec. I know several of my guild mates want to tank on this but are concerned they won’t be added.

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Sabellian and Ebonhorn would like a word with you.

A lot of the dragon lore is left to books and tertiary content. Despite being the progenitor of the proto-drakes and the instigating incident that created the prime dragons almost nothing in game actually deals with Galakrond.