Blizzard, can you please make it so we Drachtyr get to see our sheathed weapon on our backs? Or just any sheathed weapon on our character models in Dragon form? I don’t understand why Worgen can see theirs and we can’t. Infact… all races can except us. CAn we get that to happen next patch, please? I would love to see my badass katana on my dragons back. It’s unclear WHY you limited Dragon form so badly when it came to exmog.
Oh, and more xmog availability for Dragon form Dracthyr.
The weapons are showing on the back now after the patch and honestly it sucks. The staff goes right through the wing and it looks so, so awful. I have never missed the hide weapon option from FF14 so much as now. Heh, guess I am just no longer using staffs on my Dracthyr.
As for showing mog… I think the problem with that is that they would need to separate the two forms. It’s not as simple as just being able to show mail because if they just enable it we lose the options we already have. Mail would overwrite the barbershop armour so if you wanted to show that your Visage would have to be completely naked except for pants. That would also mean that your Dracthyr would be stuck with pants whether you like it or not.
I’m not seeing weapons on my back since the patch, but you’re saying you are?
Yeh, I logged in and the staff I was wearing was showing. Cut right through the “arm” of the wing. It did not look good. Not only did it have that too high look that some staves and polearms have, it was just straight up cutting through a part of the body.
That was a few hours ago though and I reported it as a bug. Maybe it was a bug and they turned it off. I go check.
Edit: Ung, yup. Still there. Still looking terrible. I will get pictures.
Lesse if this works. But yeh, basically as far as I am concerned staffs no longer are a thing Dracthyr can use. I am just going with weapons that go on the hip from now on because no… I do not want to look at that every time I play.
Yeah, I’m not either. O_O; THat’s strange. My weapons dont appear.
Heh, well, if you figure out what you are doing that I am not, lemme know so I can copy you. Right now all two handed axes, saves, and maces are showing up for me, and I hate it.
Edit: I am using a staff, but you can use sword and mace appearance so that’s how I checked. I even tried an older staff, but no, it was still there.
The clipping through the wings would be atrocious.
It is. It looks terrible. Not sure whether it is a bug or not, but a lot of people are having weapons show on their back on their Evokers and my gosh it doesn’t look good. If this is their way of appeasing the “let us show our weapons” crowd then so be it, but I really hope they give us an invisible weapon appearance or the ability to hide weapons if we don’t want to see them go right through the wings.
Lord I hope it isn’t permanent. It looks terrible. For now I will have to stick with main/off hand.
Why can’t blizz just give us a ‘hide weapon’ transmog.
My Dracthyr is stuck with a giant staff and it looks insanely stupid- it’s not like casters ACTUALLY USE STAVES; BLIZZARD. Seriously; Either give casters a staff wielding animation OR hide weapons.
I am not playing my dracthyr until this is fixed.
Right? It wouldn’t be nearly as bad if they would actually use it when they cast, but they don’t. So it will be forever plastered to my back, sticking out like a sore thumb and piercing right through my wing.
For those having the issue of weapons showing in dracthyr form use any of the one shoulder transmog options such as herods shoulder etc click the transmog shoulders separately and make the invis shoulder the one you use and then hide other shoulder (the one that you can see) this hides the weapon. Hopefully this will only be temporary and they fix it or give us a hide weapon option.
Thankie. I do not have any single shoulder transmogs for mail I think (I was a clothie for like, 5 years), but it should be simple enough to farm one up. I appreciate the head’s up.
The heirloom herods is easy to get usually thats what im using currently.
I would like to say that if people want to show weapons on their backs I think they should be able to, btw. I always believe in more choice. It just needs to both be done better than what we have right now (I am still hoping it’s a bug), and there needs to be a way to toggle it.
Honestly, this game just needs to steal FF14’s show/hide weapon option.
Definitely, its what puts me off playing a Dracthyr, half of the appeal is seeing all your gear on your character after all. You should be able to see it properly on both forms.
I just tried with that and I can confirm it worked. Thank you so much. No more staff showing.
What?! This is INSANE. I’m xmoging a Two-Hand sword on my drac and in dragon form it doesn’t show on her. STAFF?! Even if I havea staff it wont show on her either! Why are players reporting that their weapon is shown while some can’t see it?! What is my Drac doing wrong?