DPS trinkets nerfed for healers/tanks

Since this will be the result, it is probably the intent.

Nope. Eat your beans and like them

Depending on skill level, the cheat death trinket from the galakrond dungeon is the strongest “tank” trinket ever put in the game. Free cheat death + mini hero? Unbelievably strong for 95% of the playerbase, even non-tanks.

edit: plus, it’s got a nice solid chunk of mainstat for str/agil classes as icing on top


Blizzard are the ones that made those trinkets busted… Tome of Unstable Power? Umbrelskul’s Fractured Heart?

People are still going to use trinkets like these as long as they can keep the group alive with their base kit. But now in the TWW we’re just going to deal less damage. Why…?

People are running rageheart because mob damage in keys is ridiculous. Nothing to do with the damage. Are they gonna triple player stamina or something? You can’t make 1 healing trinket OP to the point where it’s mandatory because then we’re at the mercy of RNG.

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They should nerf DPS trinkets in general, should not be doing more than 5% of your damage. The op raid ones that is.

Blossom is fun as a dh in bgs, there was a trinket in slands that stored mana for use as a heal (self or others) that was interesting to run as arcane. Arenas is a whole other story but giving up the set bonus isn’t that big in blitz / randoms, unless you’re the dedicated mirror 1v1 you can make up for the primary stat loss and given the cd on trinkets are like a minute now they enable entirely different combat strategies where especially as a dh you can poke past your healers and retreat

I’m with ya, trinkets used to be fun and mechanically interesting. Having a set up for trinket burst is like adding a new style to your rotation. Now it’s all boring proc, +stats, or severely nerfed into uselessness in PvP. What was that one from the first invasion in DF? I had a looot of fun one shotting people with it before they crushed it into the ground. :stuck_out_tongue: