Experienced player with mythic raiding experience LF weeknight raiding guild and active M+. TWW Season 1 8/8H AOTC, 2.6k x2 M+ rating. LF for AOTC focused guild, can also push mythic raiding and has an active M+ community.
633 Shadow Priest
632 Affliction Warlock
622 Balance Druid
621 Ret Paladin
Pirate Club 8/8H 6/8 M looking for dps for raid team and Mythic +
Raid Times Tues / Thur 9-12pm est
Give me a shout
Disc Scudder 80
Bnet scudder80#1206
Hey Buss, we are currently lookijg to add a s priest and or Boomy to our group. Im going to post our spam/info below. Hit ua up if interested. Thanks
About us:
8/8H Nerub’ar Palace
We are a Horde based guild on Zul’jin
We are an AOTC focused guild.
We were AOTC during DF
We are a guild that likes to do all content be it N/H raiding and some prog into Mythic without making it a job.
We have a very active discord we hang out in daily and post in all day.
We like to have friendships instead of just numbers we want you in discord talking and in guild.
18+ guild
What we offer:
Active and very friendly guild enviroment.
Mythic keys as a group
Heroic Raiding twice a week.
Normal raiding for alts and those who cant make heroics, once a week after progressing into Heroic.
Mount and Xmog runs (gm is a mount collector and goes daily on runs)
TW raids when they are available.
Movie Nights
Multiple games not just WoW
SUPER active Discord !
Friendly enviroment to grow and thrive.
Safe place for Women and LGBTQIA to enjoy playing
What we are looking for:
Need 1 MDPS (Rogue/DH/Feral)
Need 1 RDPS (Evoker/Shammy/Boomy/S. Priest)
People who show up consistently
People who are not going get discouraged and leave after a few wipes (raid wipes happen)
Good attitudes
Knowledge of class playing.
Raid Times:
(Prog group) Fridays and Saturdays 9pm - 12am EST
(Alt and extras) Tuesdays 8pm -11pm EST
(Movie Night) Sundays 8pm -10pm EST (Monthly)
(TW Raids) Wednesday 9pm (When available)
We accept all players and are not just looking for raiders.
If this seems like a good fit or even just interested feel free to reach out to us, either by replying here or messaging us on the socials.
Bnet: Dragonss#11100, Nymue#11411
Discord: Dragons2406, Nymue37
Server Zul’jin: Dragonss, Nymueh
Thankyou for your time and as always, Embrace the Chaos be Epic!
[Horde Brewing Company]
Join one of the longest-standing guilds in Azeroth!
We are Horde Brewing Company, a legendary guild that has been around since the launch of World of Warcraft in 2004. We’ve brewed up countless adventures over the years, and we’re looking to add some more talented raiders to our ranks! Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the game, we’ve got a spot for you on one of our three raid teams.
Raid Teams
Raid Group A
Schedule: Tuesday & Wednesday | 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM EST
Focus: Mythic progression. This group is for dedicated, high-level raiders who want to push the limits of what we can achieve. Strong commitment and performance are key!
Progression: 6/8 Mythic Nebular-Palace
Open Roles: All exceptional applicants will be considered. Highest priority goes to range DPS, specifically Mages, Warlocks, Evokers and Rogues. Full on tanks.
Raid Leader: Discord: Talicso#2839 - Battle.net: Talicso#1972
Raid Group B
- Schedule: Tuesday & Wednesday | 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM EST
- Focus: Semi-hardcore raiding with a laid-back atmosphere. Progression is important, but we don’t mind having some fun while doing it.
- Progression: AOTC and some mythic depending on what the group wants.
- Open Roles: All roles considered. If you’re looking for a balanced, relaxed yet focused raid group, this is the place! (Group has limited availability)
- Raid Leader: Discord: Joemauma. Joemann#1516 (Feel free to DM Group A or C team lead in the interim)
Raid Group C
- Schedule: Friday & Saturday | 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM EST
- Focus: Weekend warriors, unite! This group is perfect for those who want to raid on weekends and still enjoy some real-life downtime. We aim to progress without the weekday stress.
- Progression: Going for S2 AOTC , and see where the team wants to go after.
- Open Roles: Healer, Ranged DPS.
- Raid Leader: Discord: Warptoato - Battle.net: Apando#1646
What We’re Looking For:
- Reliable and consistent raiders who can attend scheduled raid nights.
- Players who understand their class, role, and how to contribute to the team’s success.
- A positive attitude and teamwork mindset—Horde Brewing Company is all about having fun and supporting one another.
- Previous raiding experience is a plus, but not required!
What We Offer:
- A welcoming and inclusive atmosphere—whether you’re a casual player or a hardcore raider, you’ll feel at home.
- Weekly raid nights with an emphasis on progression and fun.
- A guild that’s been around since 2004, meaning we’ve built a long-standing community and a ton of memories together.
- Guild perks include flasks, pots, repairs, and more.
Ready to Join the Brew Crew?
If you’re looking to be part of a legendary guild with a rich history and an exciting future, we’d love to have you.
To apply, reach out to any of the raid leaders or myself, Olma#1277 in-game or send me a message via Discord: whiteannerdy94. Be sure to include your class, spec, and the raid group you’re interested in.
We look forward to raiding with you and continuing to build the Horde Brewing Company legacy!!..
About Us:
is a well-established guild founded by an experienced leadership team, dedicated to fostering a community for high-end progression and content optimization. We take pride in our thriving community and impressive endgame achievements. Our current objectives include achieving Mythic Cutting Edge and pushing Mythic+ content…
As a goal-oriented guild, we’re eager to bring in more like-minded members who share our ambition. Our aim is to support every member in reaching their personal goals. We provide a reliable Loot Council system for items to ensure they go to the correct class and role to push endgame content.
While we don’t expect perfection, we do require a high level of class mastery, encounter knowledge, and mechanical execution. This includes thorough preparation with appropriate gear, consumables, and research. We also value versatility, so players who can effectively fill multiple roles are highly regarded.
Respect for others’ time is crucial. While we believe in having fun, progression demands focus and effective time management. Our endgame schedule requires players to be fully prepared and engaged during events to maximize our collective performance.
We understand that mistakes are a part of the process, but we expect players to quickly adapt and learn from errors. We emphasize teamwork and encourage openness to constructive feedback. If you encounter issues with strategy or other players, we urge you to bring them to the attention of leadership.
Nerub-ar Palace: 8/8 H
Nerub-ar Palace: 6/8 M
Raid Times:
Wednesday: 7:30 PM EST - 10:30 PM EST
Thursday: 7:30 PM EST - 10:30 PM EST
Saturday: 7:30 - 10:30 PM EST*
*Optional Alt raid.
Recruitment Needs:
DPS: High
Healers: High
Tanks: Low
- Treat everyone with respect, both within the guild and in the broader gaming community.
- Value members’ time and efforts, especially during raids.
- Be adaptable, maintain a positive attitude and embrace constructive feedback to address mistakes to help refine strategies.
- Communicate effectively through Discord, which is required for participation.
- Stay motivated to improve: analyze logs, refine your performance and actively contribute to the guild’s success.
How to Join:
You can reach out to one of our officers in-game, Bnet or via Discord…
GM: Forcefaith | Discord: force9014
Officer: Nivera | Discord: goblinsmithy | Bnet: GoblinSmithy#1769
Officer: Steinlick | Discord: needabrezjordan | Bnet: selorkie#11481
Greetings! Consider joining us in The Walls!
We are a semi-casual AotC/KSM-focused group with emphasis on playing what you enjoy and killing bosses without the drama and elitism of hardcore.
Raid times Wed/Thurs 8-11pm EST, with KSM groups running at various times on off-nights.
Contact me on discord (username shatu) for more info! :]
Check us out. we are recruiting
We are Reality, currently 8/8 Herioc in Nerub-Ar Palace. As we move towards season 2, we’re looking to expand our ranks with skilled and dedicated players who are ready to take on the challenges ahead!
What We Offer:
A friendly and supportive community
Regular raid nights with a focus on progression
Deep Discussions about warhammer and painting
A chance to grow and improve together
What We’re Looking For:
Players with a solid understanding of their class and role
Availability during our raid times TUE/SAT 9:30pm-12:30pm EST
A positive attitude and a willingness to learn
We’re happy to consider exceptional players of all backgrounds!
Current Needs:
Healer: Hpal, Mistweaver Monk, Preservation Evoker
DPS: Warlock (Any), Shaman (Ele), and Evoker (Any), Rogue (Any), Hunter(BM/MM), Druid(Balance) (but always looking for exceptional players)
Tanks: FULL
If you do not see your class on here does not mean we wont look at any applicant we always are looking for exceptional players
If you’re ready to embark on this adventure with us, and talk about warhammer and various other games.
Please reach out to us!!!
Recruiting Officer- Bnet: Warlordice#1958 or Discord howze785.
Big Facts is Recruiting!
Are you looking for a chill, non-toxic guild that’s all about steady progression without the pressure of meta-chasing or elitist attitudes? Look no further!
What We’re About:
Raid Progression at a Normal Pace – No sweaty tryhards, just good vibes and steady teamwork.
Raid Schedule: Fridays and Saturdays at 6-9 PM PST.
Mythic+ Enthusiasts – We’re always running keys and we are working to push our key’s to even higher levels.
Mythic Experience – Some of us have been around the block and are happy to share tips and tricks.
Welcoming to New and Returning Players – Whether you’re just getting back into the swing of things or starting fresh, we’ve got your back.
Who We’re Looking For:
We’re a very new guild building a strong, supportive community. All roles and experience levels are welcome! If you’re ready to dive into Season 2 of War Within with a team that prioritizes fun and steady growth, join us today!
What are our Goals:
Our Goal is to help others get Keystone master every season and push our io as high as we can maybe even go for the keystone title.
We also want to get Aotc and after we achieve Aotc we would like to step into some Mythic raiding and try our shot a CE clear.
What can we offer?
We can offer you a welcoming atmosphere, whether if you consider yourself a simi-hardcore player or even a casual player.
People with a positive attitude and who are willing to help out if you have questions.
A chill environment where you can come home and just chill and relax while you enjoy the game.
Let’s make some Big Facts together! win
Reach out for more info or an invite!
Discord Seregriz#6424 or Offseeker#8065
Hey there,
We would love to trial you and let you experience the environment etc if times work! Check us out and feel free to contact me via discord Bigmacz, or Bnet Bigmacz#1971
Hey Bussaw!
Ralvin from here. Would love to chat. We are a laid back but serious Mythic progression group that is looking for just a few more dps and a healer to fill out our roster. A shadow priest or ret pally would be perfect
We run raids Monday / Wednesdays
PST 6:30-9:30
CST 8:30-11:30
EST 9:30-12:30
Friend and message me on Discord “.ralvin” if that sounds good.
Hey Forcefaith, I truly appreciate you responding to my post. Everything you guys offer is great except the raid start times . My work schedule fluctuates and often won’t be able to get home until 9EST. Thank you again!
The Club is a casual mythic raiding guild that was formed by 3 long time WoW friends with collective achievements of CE and multiple m+ seasonal titles. Our guild is NOT CE focused, but a “50% mythic clear” focus. Meaning, we do not intend to push for CE but have a goal each tier to kill 4-5 mythic bosses. Our goal is to make a strong push for as much progression as possible within the first 4 weeks of raid release then drop to once a week mythic progression. Outside of our “raid season” we plan to push mythic+ and focus on building our community doing other fun guild things. We provide a competitive environment that allows any new trial an opportunity to earn a place in our raid team, while our current raiders are constantly striving to improve. Outside of raiding you will find our raiders in M+ mostly as we have players who have experience pushing season title.
Needs of raid team: ALL ROLES
What we provide for our raiders:
-All raid consumables (Flasks, Food, and Vantus Runes) are funded by BoE raid drops.
-M+ is a big focus for some of our players with some even having multiple season titles. Therefore forming groups and m+ support from the guild will provide plenty of opportunities to fill vault and gain experience.
-One month(4 weeks) of 3 raid days allows us to achieve most of our guilds raid progress so that we can then drop to once a week casual mythic raiding.
Raider expectations:
-Research fights or ask an officer for help
-Have your character prepared for the fight we are progressing
-Have any consumables that are not provided
-Have addons updated
-Update the attendance channel if you are unable to make raid
BNET: Jonpocalypse#11293 Hadek#11645 Bigboomkin#1856
Add me thebanger#11932 lets chat
Hey Buzz, chain reaction is looking to round out some roster spots, we are a top 10 AOTC guild on server, and have some top 1% m+ guys in respective classes/specs. We raid Tuesday and Thursday evening from 7-9:30pm Pacific. We would love to have you and your friends join us. We are family friendly and generally pretty relaxed. We definitely get the job done, and have crafters for all professions on hand.
Please let me know if you are interested in our guild via discord at Syphros or Syphros#9883.
Syphros, AKA peppi, aka Evilpeppi.
Volatile is a friendly, mythic progression guild looking to recruit a few new members if you’re interested.
We raid on Fridays and Saturdays from 7pst to 10pst.
Our current progression is:
- 4/8 M NP
- 8/8 H NP
Our progression in Dragonflight was:
- 5/8 M VOTI
- 5/9 M ATSC
- 6/9 M ATDH
If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out for more information and to see if you’d make a good fit! Contact vcronwen#1282 for more!
Guild: Functional on Area-52/US
Team: Malfunctional
Raid Times: Tue/Thu 8:30-11:30 EST (5:30-8:30 PST)
Progression: AOTC & 3/8M NP
Malfunctional is an AOTC/Easier-mythics focused team which emphasizes community and enjoyment while getting bosses down. We raid 2 nights a week, the expectation is that you’re able to have fun but when it’s time to focus up you can play your class at a solid level. We generally get AOTC well before the end of a tier, so once we farm the heck out of it and easier mythic bosses, we also take a bit of a break before the next tier to come back refreshed! For NP, we took break after 3/8M starting Thanksgiving until now for Undermined.
We’re primarily looking for a few ranged DPS. Your priest or warlock would be an awesome fit for us.
For more info, DM me or friend me on discord: dyson_whirledpeaz