Dps ques slowly going back up

spent about a week getting 9-10 min ques, now im mostly getting 15-20 min ques :frowning:


Depends when you queue. I only queue during prime time and queues are so good.

For anything super meta it’ll always feel bad tho.

another 200 games and -200cr

no shot you’re playing 10 shuffles a day ‘only during primetime’

What are you talking about?

imagine if you could just mash swole’s face in the words he pretends not to read. like a cat that peed on the rug


thats a little violent buddy.

not at all. i think you don’t understand metaphor

you need help my bro.

how appropriate?

Less people playing. Who wants to play into the lobbies that are now best? I know I don’t.
