As title states I’m looking for a raiding guild…I’m looking for early evening or weekend raiding times.
I’ve been a raider since vanilla, having played on 4 different servers and having mained every class. With every expansion I start a new character, so please don’t be biased by the progression of this character.
To be clear, I’m not specifically looking for the hard core raiding types but a guild none the less that is focused on progression consistency.
I do acknowledge that I’m not 120 yet (should be there soon)… I’m not looking for a carry but a home with an open spot when I’ll be geared enough to join.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to send me a msg in-game.
Thank you
Add me at Goosefraba#1909 i would love to speak with you about what your looking for in BFA
If you don’t mind swapping to Horde, we at ID2 are looking to bolster our ranks and are recruiting ranged DPS currently. Our current progression is 2/8M. We have our eyes forward at constant progression while still balancing real life as well. We raid Tues-Thurs 830-11est. Please add me to btag and we can chit chat!
Hi Voidpulsar!
My guild is recruiting more players as we continue to push Mythic progression and prepare for 8.1 raiding. I’m a bit late to the game replying, but if you’re still looking, let me know. We have been pushing Mythic content since Nighthold and our days/times are listed below. We also have some of the strongest Mythic+ players on our server, if that interests you, as well as casual raids, games in Discord, and other social events.
Some basics:
East Coast based; average age mid 30s
BOE drops used to upgrade raiding guild members, not AH sales
Simple rank structure and progression method
Attitude, Preparedness, Timeliness are valued in that order
You can check out our WoWProgress and/or RaiderIO page for progress and stats, or visit our website here https://sites.google.com/view/oakenrebirth/home
where you can apply to join, see our logs, and get more information about raiding with us, our community, and making Oaken Rebirth your new guild home.
Reach out to us at our contact information below to discuss things further. Thanks!
Guild: Oaken Rebirth (US-Ysera)
Faction: HORDE
Raid Times/Days:
- MYTHIC: Tues & Wed 830-1130pm EST (530-830pm PST)
- HEROIC 1: Thurs 830-1130pm EST
- HEROIC 2: Fri 930pm-1am EST
Recruitment Contacts:
GM: Dethwell
BattleNet: Jaz#1591
Discord: Jaz#3719
Recruiting Officer: Justac
BNet: bbqelf#1383
Discord: Zaratta#8070