DPS + HEAL Looking for S1/S2 CE Focused Raid Team 8.30pm Server time onwards

My close friends and i are looking for a CE Focused Raid Team for S2 or even S1 if slots are for 5/8 and up
We are able to do raid pretty much anyday … it will just be the timing that prefers to start after 8.30pm Server time or after 5.30pm GMT+8 …
I’m based in SG
My friends are based in Australia

My Logs:
Cleopatrious-Frostmourne (Ret Pally) (3.1K IO)
Nerferious-Frostmourne (Aug Evoker) (3.1K IO)

Healer Logs:
Parrsi-Frostmourne (RShaman) (3.1K IO)
Zuliin-Frostmourne (RDruid)
Oripi-Frostmourne (Disc Priest) (3.1K IO)

We generally push M+ daily so meta class but will have multiple classes to fit the raid’s need
I also bring Max Blacksmithing | Leathering | Inscription | Jewelcrafting | Engineering | Alchemy | Cooking to the guild

Discord : Versionx3
Btag : Versionx#11504

bumping up the post