DPS getting HEALER loot

I was in a raid with 4 healers for Rashok and a dps gets his healing trinket? Thats crazy. You know maybe I’m the one lacking. I’m going to change my loot spec to dps for bosses I don’t need anything on just so I can take their loot. Thats crazy you allow dps to need on healer items idc if they are off spec and they changed their loot spec; I waited my time in que to get my place as a healer for a chance at the loot, you snooze you lose im not accepted to every group either, I believe if you were invited as a dps your loot should follow suite. Other people and I were the ones to heal the fight and we cant even get loot, it has to be shared with the buko bad dps one trick mains who decided to roll ret pally off spec and pulled bottom dps? That’s cool I lose BiS HEALING trinkets to dps. I already get that somewhere in the games code you throw loot at bad players so they feel like they are doing more and stay in the game. But I’m tired of topping charts and no reward Im looting everything I can good luck everyone.

I feel ya. I dont even know how they do it…just changing loot specialization makes it a greed roll. Seems if they are marked dps they should be excluded. A few times now…I saw MORE dps than healers roll on trinket…two of them…and of course dps players got them…sad…Blizzard looks the other way…

Nah bruh they get to need on it I think. It treats it as if they are a genuine heal spec rolling on a huge upgrade they do not have, I think it treats it as any other healer needing on the object if they change their specs. That’s absolutely crazy. I agree they should be excluded.

If you roll need on something that matches your loot spec. If you don’t change your loots back and roll me, it’ll roll an off spec need which will give you a lower priority. But you will need based off your loots back at the time, not your role.

yep it’s BS. i had no idea this worked this way and rolled on a rashok’s as WW because…any logical person should think you have to roll what spec you’re playing as in raid…

luckily i got the trinket yesterday but not without many, many runs of suffering. and i still need it on my pally

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