It seems like my queue is bugged when I’m not in a party, the only time I found a dungeon was when I was in a party with a tank.
Yesterday I queued 2 hours before giving up, and now I’ve been in queue for four hours so far.
I’m queuing for the Legacy of Tyr event dungeon as a dps; but I have been writing in the General chat and other players (also dps’) are saying that they have also been queuing for Tyr and have gotten back-to-back dungeons. Dungeon finder shows that the average wait time is 2 minutes.
I tried restarting the queue, the game & my pc
(remove parentheses for the link
having the same issue, average 14 minutes… .1hr 20 minutes in queue so far… something is wrong
Same issue, was in que as a healer/dps by myself for 40 minutes, with average wait of 15 when i signed up. At some point the avg wait changed to 1 minute but I stayed in the que lol
I requed once and had the same result.
The fix was for this was discounted in a previous decision to not have a tank spec for the new class. If they didnt see this coming, it really looks bad. I guess they figure this problem will be masked after the two weeks are up. Tanks are underappreciated and too heavily needed. They deserved a new tank spec and the Dracthyr would have been a good class for that.
I have been able to run the dungeon once because I sat in queue for 4 hours as a healer. Would be really nice to be able to actually test the preservation evoker in a dungeon. Can’t do mythic + because they are bugged out in most of those and because there is such an influx of preservation. Can’t do the new dungeon because the queue is 4+ hours. I’m better off going into beta and playing with it there lol
Yup. All three of the previous add-a-classes have a tank spec. It is completely obvious that if you suddenly add thousands of new toons none of whom can tank that there will be a huge tank shortage.
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I think the problem is that they did absolutely nothing with the guardian talent tree until a few days ago. Probably a lot of guardians decided to take a wait-and-see break until the expansion dropped, or switched to non-druid dps specs, or to evoker.
Update: logged off at 7 hours
I will get on that after I finish killing anniversary world bosses.
What? If you also had a tank spec, the dungeon ques for everyone would have been through the roof. Stop being crybabies about the new class not getting a tank spec.
Same issue here.
I can queue for Legacy of Tyr and it pops on EVERY single toon of mine except my main. I waited in queue for 2.5 hours. Never popped.
I swap to my Evoker, BOOM. pops after 3 minutes.
So, I also swapped servers to Stormrage and queued on a 60 DPS solo there. BOOM. Popped in 3 minutes.
SOMETHING is wrong with some servers not having their LoT queue pop.
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So this morning I did a test on regular SL heroic dungeons, and they are behaving like normal. Que was a 10 minute wait, and it dropped a bit before that.
I wonder if it’s a few things causing the issue.
1 - People don’t realize there’s a new dungeon with the event. I haven’t seen it widely promoted.
2 - There’s an actual issue with the que
I keep hearing Tanks are gone, but they’re not for regular and heroic dungeons in SL. So, maybe that idea is a correlation that is not correct.
Still seeing the exceeedingly longer than average queue time, but occasionally I’ll get a pop. There has to be a bug behind the scenes. Reason I say this is I’ve seen several times people leave in the middle of Uldaman and they are not replaced. It’ll show we’re in the queue for a replacement, but none is ever assigned. You can’t tell me there are no dps in Uld queue.
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So, today on my Dracthyr I got in two dungeons quickly, only maybe 3 min wait on both. Maybe because it’s the weekend? IDK.
Oddly, I have 25 alts and 24 of them took less than 10 minutes to queue. It was my new Dracthyr that would never queue no matter how long I waited. To get in with one that doesnt queue, use Premade/Custom then search for ULD and queue up that way until they find a way to fix this.
Not working here either. Can’t queue. Whats going on?
So I’ve discovered that the queue is ONLY long for me on my main Feral Druid on Proudmore…
What is the problem blizzard??? this needs looking into!
Having the same problem on my Dracthyr. Waiting for hours in queue for the new Uldaman dungeon and it never finds a group. Was with a friend in a party and as soon as I left the party the dungeon group was ready for them.
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