Hello, I’m looking for a CE guild looking for quality players to push mythic content in a timely manor. I am already on Bleeding Hollow, and want to stay on the realm. (Been here a little more than 2 years).
Raiding History:
Uldir: 7/8M
Crucible: Didn’t raid
EP: Didn’t raid
Ny’alotha 8/12M
I sadly have gone through some heavy health issues, so I wasn’t able to fully be there for my guild. I’ve raided at high end as a DPS, and healer. Was a Rogue for Uldir, Hpal for BFD, War/Lock for Ny’alotha.
I raided very casually in TBC, and didn’t start progress raiding until Wrath. In Wrath I cleared 15/15 Naxx, 1/1 EoE, 13/14 Uld, 5/5H TotC, 12/12H ICC, 1/1H RS. In Cata I was 6/6H BWD, 4/5H BoT, 2/2H TotFW. I was banned for herb botting shortly before Firelands launched. I was only able to get 4/7H FL, 6/8H DS. I didn’t raid during MoP, just pvped casually. In WoD, I was 5/7M HM, 8/10M BRF, and 11/13M HFC. In Legion I was only 1/7M EN, 0/3M ToV, 6/10M NH, 6/9M ToS, and 11/11M Antorus.
I am currently in Pixel Frenzy (have been since end of Legion), and am only leaving because they had to fill my spot while I was dealing with health issues, so I don’t currently have a raid spot for SL. I would be leaving on good terms, and i’m sure if you talk with any of the officers they would have good things to say about me.
What I’m looking for:
I want a guild that is looking for a quality players to help push mythic content in a timely manner. I want a guild who loves having fun, but is also serious during raid. I want a community, not just a guild. I come prepared the best I can with flasks, knowledge of the fights, and just the mentality ready to down some bosses. If you think I would be a good fit, or have any questions you can add me to btag! Sacredtenshi#11826 or just shoot me a msg in-game. I usually am on my Rogue Sacredroguee. I am wanting to play Rogue in SL. I also just got beta 9/2/2020 so I would love to finally be able to do some M+ on it with you guys! Thank you for your time, and consideration.