There’s nothing wrong with the game, I simply hated everything about it. Gameplay was soooooooooo slow. Plus, I’m pretty sure all the flashing lights triggered a migraine. The general consensus seems to be that FFXIV doesn’t get fun until lvl 60. I won’t wait that long for a game to get good. Not even a free one.
I don’t think FFXIV is the WoW killer we’ve all been anticipating. If you enjoy it, I’m glad for you, I just don’t see the appeal. Maybe Amazon’s New World will be the chosen one. snerk
I have to admit, the character creation tools are pretty slick.
I enjoyed it a long time ago but couldn’t get over what they consider pvp. I don’t understand the point in advancing your character if you can’t pit it against another persons character. That’s the whole point for me, to be better than another guy by killing him. I’m not excited by getting progressively better at beating a programmed AI over and over, that’s just the means to an end.
Yet your fine with wow classic? Gameplay in wow doesn’t become good till Max level and it’s always been that way. Classic TBC it’s 70 when game starts.
Yea you can say “It’s about the leveling experience”…but only for vanilla.
Wows quest are boring and more time fillers. Combat in wow doesn’t get good on most classes till mid 40s early 50s…and it’s a much longer grind that FF.
Sadly I think wow players just feel comfy and safe playing wow. New things are scary.
its a great story based game, treat it as any other bioware single player rpg and you should be good. The mmo is still there but I don’t believe it’s the main focus, either way it has a new expac coming at the end of the year and gets regular content updates to this day.
If I can BG while leveling then I would agree. Otherwise wow pve is just bad. Questing, instances, let’s not forget how most classes are 1 button = win.
Gameplay in WoW doesn’t “get good” until max near max level as well. Tanks don’t get Plate until 40, Druids didn’t have Dire Bear until 40, mounts, CDs, and your best talent points/abilities all come toward the end. The real reason most people defer to that line is they don’t want to leave WoW. Just say that instead of engaging in the exercise in cognitive dissonance that is pretending FFXIV’s level pacing is any slower than WoW’s.
I actually like leveling in Classic. There are 2 reasons why I haven’t boosted a toon, yet… it’s way too expensive, but mostly it’s because I like leveling. I find that working on an alt here and there is a nice way to break things up.
I think you completely failed to understand the basic of mmorpgs are a time investment and most content is at max level, you could say the same about wow given the same investment.