Downgraded to "member" again

I didn’t spend enough time reading and responding to you all last month, I guess.

I feel dirty :frowning:



I’ve been reading and posting…well, since forever…and I’m resigned to never being able to attach images, videos or links. Some of us are destined to never be ‘good enough’ in the eyes of our esteemed host.


You wanna know whats really odd? I am somehow Trust level 3. I can do this:


/really jelly

My beautiful gifs and memes! How will everyone know how witty I am if I can no longer attach things other people made in response to posts!

This…is truly a travesty :sleepy:


All I can say is, I have been active. Really active. Alt tabbing like every 10 minutes to interact with this fine upstanding community.

I believe it’s a combination of the number of posts read, replies made, ‘likes’ made, and the frequency of all those that determine your trust level. And, as the OP noted, your ranking can apparently drop off if you don’t keep it up.

In my case, it also probably doesn’t help that I’ve twice been given brief ‘vacations’ from the forums for my acerbic unwillingness to put up with willful chicanery… :smirk:

Yeah, it’s activity-based for the most part. It’s happened to me before, so I know the drill. Forums>work for the next month.

Just feels bad to lose the privilege :confused:


Ugh. Peasant.


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I don’t know why we can’t all post pictures. I am no more certain to post safe content than the next person.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


No one is certain, but someone who visits here a minimum of every other day for 2 months straight while actively posting and interacting with others’ posts is far less likely to post something horrendously inappropriate than someone who comes here once every 6 months to make a single troll post and then bail.

That’s really all the requirement is. Making sure the person in question is invested in the forums so they’d actually care if they got banned or whatever.

I still think its excessive and the gap from TL2 to TL3 is way too big and some of the specific requirements are silly. But the concept is fine.


Yes. The requirements for Trust Levels are laid out in the sticky post at the top of the forum. Source for that info is the Discourse softare website, the folks who make the forum software.


Get to trust level 3 by…

  • Must have visited at least 50% of last 100 days
  • Must have replied to at least 10 different topics
  • Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 500 topics
  • Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 20,000 posts (both starting posts and replies)
  • Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.
  • Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
  • Must not have been suspended (including forum suspensions or in-game account actions of any Blizzard game)

Trust Level 3 users can

  • Create Wiki Posts (more on that below)
  • Post animated gifs, images, compatible video embeds, and links to any website

For regular users, even if you are Trust Level 3 on the Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, or BlizzCon forums, your forum stats and trust level will be different here.


Its strict because Blizz wants to minimize the number of paid employees required to keep the forums presentable.

People who obsessively post and visit the forums daily are far less likely to risk a ban so they will be far less likely to post something stupid.


While that is all actually true, the software was not made by Blizzard. Blizzard’s solution to the issue of people posting malware, inappropriate links, etc - was to disable linking totally other than to internal Blizzard sites.

Until this new software we could not link anything except Blizzard posts, Blizzard news, Blizzard support articles.

You are right though, they are not going to try to moderate the mess that would come with just open image or clickable link posting. They learned that lesson long ago which is why it was not allowed on the pre-2018 software.


Trust Level 3 requirements are still excessive.


Is there like a checklist somewhere? To see what you have or haven’t done to fulfill requirements.

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Sadly no. That is one of the biggest poster requests in recent years. The Blues can see our progress towards TL3 so the data exists, it just does not show to the player in any meaningful way. The most that people have been able to do is ask on the CS forum to see if a Blue might check their forum status for them. The blues usually will do it if they have time.


Now that I think about it, that kinda makes sense.

15/30 Likes Given

starts spam liking 15 posts


This happens to me! Every time I see someone spam like a dozen of my posts I just assume they are padding their like counter for forum ranking.


A lot of people got suddenly downgraded recently (like within the past couple of weeks). On my realm forum, a couple of frequent posters who like to post screenshots of their events lost the privilege.

I feel like once you reach Level 3, it shouldn’t be that hard to maintain. Someone’s participating, putting in the work, and being forced to keep up to an unreasonable amount of required reading just to post a picture or a link. It’s not a benefit - it’s punishing.

If Blizz wants to alienate people from posting on the forums, this is the way to do it. Maybe our new Microsoft overlords will look at this and make some changes.