Down with Slíckman-spinebreaker

the man is a menace unite with me fellow horde

If you got a problem with my homeboy Slick, than you got a problem with me!! :triumph::triumph:

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Let go, bring your best and catch this smoke. FTA :muscle:t2:

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Oh you’re that monk I farmed earlier.


He’s not that much of a menace, he leaves whenever I’m around. x)

He needs to fight in Dragon Isles more to be considered a “menace”.

Dragon Isles zones bore me, I prefer older content!


funny, i heard it was ‘younger’ content that was more your thing. :wink:



Yet you camp the Dragon Isles zeppelin… :thinking:

Dragon Isles is where the real men PvP at :muscle:

I almost spit out my water at this comment… this is hilarious. :rofl:

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Y’all some cry babies, cry me a river.

Este juego ya no es bueno.

Honestly, I’m just amazed that anyone still plays on spinebreaker, or that the server didn’t simply burst into flames years ago.