Doubt about the new Recruit a Friend system

Hellow, first time playing wow and I am hoping to beging the game with some friends. Now i heard about the recruit a friend system but havent been able to find a guide on how to actually do it (found plenty but they are about the old system)
I know this probably is one of those really simple things to do, but I just have no idea and would apreciate some tips or links.

They haven’t released a true FAQ yet so you’ll likely have to wait until the 23rd/24th to get the information.

I do know that they have said that the old requirement that the recruited account be less than 30 days old is being changed so the account will need to be less than a couple of days old.
But no detail about exactly how many days.

Well so far we only tried the free trial up to level 20 so no problem there, Thanks for the info

The account creation date however, currently starts from the date the free trial account is created - not the date you upgrade the account by applying time to it.

OH, that is not good. crap.
Wait so since me and my friends already started the free trial, even if we didnt play above the amount of days required we still couldnt use the invite a friend thing? that sucks

Under the old RAF, the recruited account needed to be both created less than 30 days from the date of the RAF and the 90 days of RAF also started from the date of the recruited accounts creation.

So, if the Recruited account was created 30 days, prior to being RAF’d, that left you with only 60 days of RAF time.

Ultimately, however we won’t really know how things will work now until next week.

Someone pointed out to me that under the new RAF program, veteran accounts that have not had paid time against them for two years are eligle to be recruited,

A veteran account, however, is not the same as a starter account and in light of their other statement about starter accounts needing to be only a few days old, I don’t think starter accounts older than 30 days would count.

Well, I will try at least. Thanks for all the info

If you need to, just start fresh. You’re only losing a few hours played. In the long run, that’s nothing.

To add to this, you can create the new wow account on the same account, and will keep access to any account-bound stuff you already collected on the starter account. (So, any mounts, transmog, pets, heirlooms, ect.)

Thanks for all the tips, one final question, patch is out and so should the new system.
I bought 6 months of play time but I cant find the recruit button on friendlist do I also need to buy the BFA expansion to be able to access it?

Didn’t make it into the patch at the last minute: