I would like to know two things, first there is how to make macros using the ID of spells and items?
Second, what addon do I need to be able to see the ID of spells and items?
I would like to know two things, first there is how to make macros using the ID of spells and items?
Second, what addon do I need to be able to see the ID of spells and items?
You can’t macro off spell ID.
You can check spell IDs on WoWhead, they also appear in the creator menu in Weakauras.
I keep switching languages to practice, it would be nice if it worked with ID
Thank you
I had heard that OmniCC allows you to see the ID, but it’s fake.
Ahh right. English is my second language also, it’s become the voice in my head after using it for 15 years.
I understand your struggle but it becomes second nature eventually.
The pinned topics in the UI and Macro Forum are pretty useful.
#4 under Macros: Essential Information indicates you can use a Spell ID in a conditional check.
As Elk said, you can find spell IDs on Wowhead (e.g., lookup a DK’s “Obliterate” and the spell ID is in the URL and is 49020). P.S. Obviously use Retail and not WotLK (unless you’re playing that Classic variant).
Short answer, you don’t.
WoW spell macros use the spell names, not ID’s.
Which is why just shift clicking the spell from the spellbook is usually the ideal way to make one.
/cast frostbolt
As far as I know, the only /use or /cast macros that can be used are for items.
I did find a post on reddit, the user wanted this exact thing for the same reason you want it. I don’t know how well it will work as I haven’t tested it nor do I plan to.
"Essentially, you need to create a button that inherits the SecureActionButtonTemplate, and then set that button’s attributes to type “spell”, and “spell” attribute to the localized name of your spell (available via GetSpellInfo(spellid) ). Then, you can either bind that button directly to a key using the SetBinding API, or use a /click macro to emulate a click action on it.
Note that editing this button won’t be possible in combat, so you’ll need to ensure that InCombatLockdown() is false before modifying it."
TL;DR - No, you can’t make a combat macro with spell ID’s. (It’s a protected command via blizzard)
I would LOVE it if we could do that. So much space saved.