I didn’t love how season 1 was going so pretty much quit playing retail right in the middle of it, been playing hardcore for the last few months and I come back and all my abilities just hit for like 75% to 100% more.
Pretty sure my eternity surges werent hitting for 2.5 million when I last played, and I only have 618 ilvl currently.
So what happened that made them decide to boost the crap out of devastation damage?
I want to cope that they wanted to make it better than aug lol. But realistically its just balance tuning for a new major patch. Happens all the time.
This was like a week ago when I logged in, before the patch.
We’re hitting substantially harder, yes.
That being said, we’re a very strong pick in raid and just average in M+.
MANY class specs still have priority over Devoker in M+.
It’s unfortunate, but the spec is in a pretty sweet spot overall.
One of my friends that runs keys in the +17 range is anticipating dev has a chance at being meta due to the synergy it has with other potential meta specs. I’ll believe it when I see it lol.
Im just happy to be doing more damage and not being massively overshadowed by aug for a change.
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It’s happy days all around.
Aug is mostly dead and hopefully it gets removed, and Scalecommander is a complete blaster.
Flameshaper needs a complete rework. Even if they keep tweaking the numbers until it’s really good, it feels awful to play.
Devastation at its base is not intended to be a dot based spec so it doesn’t feel good no matter how much you tune our numbers.
I think the reason flamestarter suffers is because unlike scale commander which can use its signature ability tri-beam after flame breath or eternal surge, flameslinger can only use theirs (nuke) after firebreathing.
If they could somehow enable the use of engolf after eternity surge without making doing so incredible OP, it might be better I feel.
Flameshaper has a playstyle that values DOTs and devastation. He doesn’t want to work with DOTs. We simply want to use fire breath and not worry about other dots. They need to rework this hero tree from scratch. Make engurf more frequent and by itself be a good skill to use regardless of the situation. Flameshaper manages to be inferior to Scalecommander in every way, it’s almost strange.
First boss of theatre of pain is a scalecommander devoker dream lol.
Having to cast living flame three times and then fire breath before you use engulf is so awkward and so contary to the dev play style. On top of that, you do all that setup and if your Engulf doesn’t crit it hits for nothing and you’ve done all that for nothing. It’s bad. It needs to be entirely reworked. Devastation hero specs must have synergy with disintegrate or they feel wrong and bad. It’s why scale commander is what everyone chooses.
Even if Living Flame was instant cast I wonder if this would even be good.
I mean permanently instant cast.
I am having a blast as Dvoker this season! I am even doing some pvp and with full honor gear it is so fun! I feel like we finally can keep up with other dps classes for a change.
Scalecomander has amazing synergy with both Aug and Devastation’s kit. while flameshaper barely works for preservation lmao. this is one of the talent trees that definitely needs to be reworked from scratch, with some new concept and identity in mind.
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