Double reputation plunderstorm

Tomorrow they are making plunderstorm reward double the reputation to help people get to renown 40. I can already see the amount of salty posts that will be made from people about how they had to grind through it when other people will now have it easier.

Luckily blizzard didn’t make a post about this


I’m fine with it, I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of my pirate transmog. I would have grinded it out ASAP for the transmog even if I had known about the renown increase later on.


Just because predictably dumb complaints happen, doesn’t mean they need to be given air.

Like, OBVIOUSLY this was going to happen when the warning buzzer sounded. And anyone who’s truly concerned about spending less time on it was already doing the 1x per day bonus and stopping.

I do think Blizzard should be transparent from the start if bonuses like this are coming, so people can plan accordingly if they want. Or Blizzard should think more about reward tuning during the testing phase so they don’t have to change it later.

Like I benefit from this personally, but I also think “wtf, I wasted my time grinding when I could’ve just waited a week” is a pretty natural response.


looks around sadly

Can they double the stupid Cobalt Assembly rep :sob:


Is this one of those posts?

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still not doing it

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some probably would, yeah - plenty of people complain when something they bought at full price years ago - goes on sale or as give away, forgetting that they had years of use out of it. me, I’m happy that more people will be able to finish their shinies grind. I mean… its still going to be rough since at this point most people playing are those who are in it for the pvp aspect of it, but still maybe more doable.

Too bad it’s double repuation and not double plunder. That would make the 1 million plunder fos slightly fairer.

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was fun, so was worth the “grind”

Why would we be salty? I got my rewards, I’m long done.

Plunder is literally rep.

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I grinded it out early. I knew I wanted the stuff but actually hate plunderstorm itself. I have no regrets. I don’t have to touch it again.

Go back and read the second sentence I typed.

That being said, they didn’t explain how this works exactly. If this bonus works by increasing the plunder gain, instead of making plunder to rep gain 2 to 1, then what I’m hoping for is actually going to happen.

I wish they woulda done it sooner :sob: But that’s fine, I’m happy they’re doing it. Hopefully people who haven’t quite gotten there yet will benefit from this.

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I shall equip my salty title and then not care


Already it’s bringing some friends back to it. When I helped them in duos, we made on average 1.3k plunder, so this’ll help speed things up quite a bit!

More importantly, I think this’ll help take the pressure off some people who may be pressed for time. Make it feel less like a chore and more like a game, y’know? :smiley:

Yes, I read it, twice now.

Plunder collected is rep. Rep is gained from collecting Plunder.

From the article:

“pirating players can double the amount of Renown earned from all sources of Plunder by taking the Plundersurge”

So, unless they cap your plunder gains at Renown 40, this will make the 1 mill FOS easier. No idea what you meant by “fairer”. I don’t see them doing this though because of that FOS.

So you’ll collect plunder now at double the rate, from all sources and if getting to 1 million is your goal, now is the time to do it.

I can see now how you are reading it.

Hopefully this means for the last 4 renown I need I’ll only need to play one game a day starting tomorrow. I’ll get my 36th renown today. Been nice just doing basically one renown a day. I don’t feel like I’ve had to play too much.

And that doesn’t necessarily imply that you get more plunder. They never once mentioned increasing plunder. They could decide that you get 2 rep for every 1 plunder, instead of 1 rep for every 1 plunder, which is what you get now, instead of giving you more plunder. In fact, giving you more plunder would also make you be able to level much faster, which would mess with the balance of the game mode.

It’s simple. I don’t think a limited time collectible that requires this much of a grind for little reward is fair at all. You obviously do though. It would be fairer if they doubled it, but that’s ambiguous.

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