Double Legendaries in 9.2 - Best choice for PVP?“

”…the double Legendary is the Covenant Legendary, plus any other Legendary.”

Assuming this doesn’t change, what would be your covenant/legendary pick for PvP?

I imagine finality increasing every other eviscerate by 25% plus Kyrian animacharged CPs and mastery bonus will hit hard asf.

I feel like I’ll probably just do Master Assassin and Venthyr though even though it’s not as good cuz I really don’t wanna grind a single renown ever again lol.

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I’m kinda picturing assassination with doomblade/vanish leggo that drops the cds 20 secs will be bis, imagine using back to back 40% shivs (18 secs) with kidneys (could drop two kidneys or one on kill target and offtarget) and dropping the cd of blind 20 secs so its off trinket cd

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Resounding Clarity + MA for sub
Resounding Clarity + Doomblade for sin since you have the crit talent

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That’s not how it works.

One of the two is required to be the cov legendary.

Crit Kyrian will be go to.

Venthir lego is kinda bad in PvP, but obedience and shadowdust would be funny to have really short flag.

Nightfae outlaw gaining shadow blades & vendeta with wickers will be interesting. It’d be an even better legendary if it happened when your pressed sepsis, not the full duration last. Super strong into any comp that can’t dispel poison. Probably looking at 22k-25k on crits with pistol shot and 11k+ of shadow damage.

Obedience will throw tempo off for outlaw I think. Normally flag lines up with dreadblades. 2nd dread blades will be delayed in the name of a 3rd flag.

Necro is just trash tier legendary

Kyrian always felt super awkward for outlaw.

Assassination can make great use of this combo on executing healers
MFD - >garrote- > flag → kidneyshot ->shiv-> mutilate → vanish - >garrote → kidneyshot → MFD - > envenom → shiv

No stealth
MFD → flag → kidneyshot ->shiv-> mutilate → vanish - >garrote → kidneyshot → MFD - > envenom → shiv

go full memelord and break out Hidden blades + Master assassination talent.

Well one thing is for sure - necro will be dead unless they tweak it somehow.

There’s no worthwhile dps gain to it on a single target fight.

Some covenant lego’s add 700+ dps to single target. Necro literally adds about 45 dps over the course of a 5 minute fight.

It could honestly also increase the dot component by 100% - and it will still be pretty far behind other lego’s - so I’m not holding my breath that every sin rogue won’t just be Venthyr in 9.2

With Necrolord Outlaw you can bonespike during Dreadblades and its great damage for the energy spent allowing you to DB without AR

Resounding + Shadowdust + Dreadblades is a CDR enginge

Resounding + Greenskin is great damage

Obedience is only so so with broadsides if it desyncs from dreadblades

Toxic Onslaught is prone to a lot of counterplay, has good potential but pretty cumbersome