Yes it is. 100%. 10 minute avs at 400+ honor. You aren’t even coming close to that in an hk turtle farm. Maybe in wsg / ab, sure but ya. We’ll be okay.
It wasn’t 10x the original value. That was an over correction. This new change actually brings bonus honor in line with the original prepatch values.
A big problem, right from the start (Which people didn’t really care about, because of the inflated bonus honor values) is that all HKs are giving very little honor, in most cases 1. This was simply not the case in the original prepatch.
I distinctly remember people not caring about the bonus honor at all, and just focusing on kills in AV during pre-patch as it was the most effcient way of farming honor (pretty sure it also happened to be AV weekend as well)
may be 800 because ab+av weekend?
agreed blizzard did good here nothing else needs to be done ppl complaning about getting more are just greedy
Yikes. ok mate
I farmed rank 13 already on my main. I know the difference. Ya’ll just whining now. There is time to get weapons for sure for pretty much everyone. Everything else will get replaced very quickly anyways.
Going to sleep though, take care.
bruh, you couldn’t level Belf or Draeni at all in original prepatch. Blood drama queens.
lulw yikes kappa xD
thank you players will be very happy
Did they do what we wanted them to do exactly? No.
Did they at least pay attention and do something to address it and make it not quite as terrible? Yes.
I just spent 6hr for 2.5k honor. That’ll be 5k normally now, and 10k for AB weekend. While its not OMG10XHONORGEARYOURCHARACTERINASINGLEDAY honor, its a lot better than what we had the last day and a half
So leaving Hk’s at broken values is a “good thing”
Thank you <3
Yes, it was stated that the weekend event BG would be changed for this weekend. But the honor change would be done on server reset, so they are going to do a unscheduled one or we wait till Tuesday and are left with a week.
And? You didn’t get SoBlood in TBC either.
One good change doesn’t negate a bad change like this one. The two weeks isn’t a lot of time, either, especially factoring in gearing.
Double the current 90% nerf level is not enough. Increase needs to be 3 to 4x what it is now or roughly about 50% of what is was before the nerf.
You can make your player base happier or leave a sour taste in everyone’s mouth.
I wonder what crybaby Andycloud thinks of this teehee
they have to do a restart to change the BG weekend, and it was stated in the post COMING SOON TO THE REGION
So, sometime tonight.
It’s not about being lazy, it’s about valuing your time. Over a hundred BG wins for a single item is not at all healthy.
I don’t mean to complain about a gift we all asked for but 2x from a 10 factor nerf isn’t going to do much. You guys should either revert or go for 5x .
It should be about 800 honor per win 300 per loss or around that would simplify it alot losing 60 bgs in a row would barely be enough yes its an improvement but with 11 days left it’s still massively complex to get the items where majority of players won’t have the time to farm even a few items.