Double Honor and Darkmoon Faire Coming to Pre-patch

this is my fear… i dont know if i should just bank honor and hope for the best, or replace these greens with epics and level easier and refarm at 70…

doesnt really matter either way, your choice but not a crazy game altering one.

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Still not fixed; still no opportunity for those who missed out.

Disaster prepatch. I’m not arguing anymore on these forums. Look at that post count. 10 years of never posting but this event sure got me posting. For nothing.

Game Mode Honor Time Stamp Honor Gains Honor Kills Date
AV WIN 8687 3:18 5/20
AV WIN 8885 3:40 198
AV WIN 9136 4:04 251
AV loss 9312 4:40 176
AB WIN 9540 4:48 228 5/20 AFK Win
AV WIN 9886 5:13 346
AV WIN 10017 11min 131
AV LOSS 10365 10:22 348 5/21
AB loss 10889 26 min 524
AB loss 11535 27 min 646
AV loss 11927 12 min 11:57 392
AB loss 12229 12:20 302
AB LOSS 12459 12:47 230
AV WIN 12769 1:12 11min 310
AV WIN 13245 1:53 12 min 476
AV WIN 13615 2:18 11 min 370
Daily BG Turn in 14181 566
AV WIN 14629 4:53 9 min 448
AB LOSS 14881 5:07 12 min 252
AV LOSS 15199 5:29 9 min 318
AV LOSS 15591 5:52 14 Min 392
AV WIN 16509 6:33 26 Min 918
AV LOSS 16873 6:53 10min 370
AV WIN 17483 7:15 10min 610
AV WIN 18031 7:40 13min 548
AV WIN 18709 8:08 15min 678
AV loss 19073 8:29 10 min 364
AV loss 19435 8:55 13 min 362
AV WIN 20003 9:15 10 min 568
AV WIN 20439 9:38 9min 436
AV WIN 20943 9:58 9 min 504
AV WIN 21439 10:20 10min 496
AV LOSS 21831 7:40 9 min 392 5/22
AB WIN 22595 8:04 24 min 764 46
AB LOSS 22911 8:34 24 min 316 8
AV WIN 23275 8:46 9 min 364 0
AB LOSS 23865 9:25 28 min 590 31
AV LOSS 24193 9:43 10 min 328 2
AB LOSS 24413 10:00 13 min 220 11
AV WIN 25137 10:25 19 min 724 17
AB loss 25185 10:40 5 min 48 3
AV WIN 25811 10:59 13 min 626 15
AB WIN 26491 11:30 24 min 680 35
AV WIN 27121 11:59 13 min 630 13
AB WIN 27957 12:30 28 min 836 54
AV LOSS 28315 12:46 10 min 358 3
AB loss 28729 1:09 17 min 414 31
AV WIN 29421 1:28 12 min 692
AB LOSS 29473 1:41 6min 52 3 15 man premade
AV LOSS 29969 1:57 10min 496 7
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then choose which pieces you really want

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I came back to TBC and grinded the last two months to level this warrior. I put another 2-3 weeks into grinding all the dungeon quests and getting my quest log full. I came back planning on grinding honor for the HWL 6 piece and Weapon for taking into TBC. I planned this all around my previous TBC prepatch experience. I was able to get the full 6 piece and weapons on my shaman. This honor rate is insufficient and needs adjusted. The minimal honor gain and shortened prepatch just exacerbates the issue. Blizzard is hamstringing its own game and playerbase. I am not the only person who returned only to be let down.


They just don’t care anymore. they got money from the boost coming in. even if people quit they probaly made months of profit on that and they know they will have some more profit for 9.1 in retaill. So at this point they are doing nothing and will only do something when it to late because they are probably a reduced staff working on tbc because they have the tendency of firing all the important head that was working on project the community love.


TUNE THE HONOR HIGHER! 1k per hour no lifing is getting us nowhere.


Im getting about 1k per honor/hour as well, winning 75% and getting lots of HKs.

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May we have a post or something about what will you do about the current state of pvp honor gain and what you intent to do on june 1? Reset the honor or keep it through tbc?

Im not alone looking for some answer, kindly a player that is at the end of his rope.


Imagine not having a reference log of all the changes you made to the game that literally built your company… so short sighted… you guys could have been pumping out classic servers years ago… you could have references to go off of and SHOW THE PLAYERS so they don’t question everything you do… but nope… here we are in 2021 arguing over honor values gatekeeping people from gear that until now literally required you to account share and coordinate with other players to LET YOU GET THE RANK to acquire it… laughable.


Keeping this going because honor is still trash, and AB weekend still isn’t calculating correctly. Not sure why there is no response to AB weekend not working, nor how awful the honor is. I now have 50 marks and still don’t have enough honor for a piece of gear…


It seems this company do not value it costumers. Once you pay they see you like you are worth nothing until it close again to the pay day.

Might as well go play elsewhere, i came back for tbc but with a team like that it not worth hopping for it to get better!

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Still can’t get a 2H weapon.



i played 5 games and got 2k honor. It’s pretty mediocre given that two were long drawn out losses.

So AB weekend STILL isnt giving bonus honor.

wana fix it champ


Blizz won’t fix it, they never have the balls to admit when they’re wrong about something. They only have the balls to try to fix stuff half assed to assuage the general population.


and that gear will be trash in a week after june 1st people are mad at players who capped honor in a few hours due to bug when pre patch first hit and will use that to get ez 70 pvp gear. should wipe honor june 1st or just open honor for all. the sweat lords are trying to make you thinks its about the warlord gear but its not that at all


Here is my update for you. Send help. :sob:

AV honor per hour 1270
AB honor per hour 870

Game Mode Honor Time Stamp Honor Gains Honor Kills Date
AV WIN 8687 3:18 5/20
AV WIN 8885 3:40 198
AV WIN 9136 4:04 251
AV loss 9312 4:40 176
AB WIN 9540 4:48 228 5/20 AFK Win
AV WIN 9886 5:13 346
AV WIN 10017 11min 131
AV LOSS 10365 10:22 348 5/21
AB loss 10889 26 min 524
AB loss 11535 27 min 646
AV loss 11927 12 min 11:57 392
AB loss 12229 12:20 302
AB LOSS 12459 12:47 230
AV WIN 12769 1:12 11min 310
AV WIN 13245 1:53 12 min 476
AV WIN 13615 2:18 11 min 370
Daily BG Turn in 14181 566
AV WIN 14629 4:53 9 min 448
AB LOSS 14881 5:07 12 min 252
AV LOSS 15199 5:29 9 min 318
AV LOSS 15591 5:52 14 Min 392
AV WIN 16509 6:33 26 Min 918
AV LOSS 16873 6:53 10min 370
AV WIN 17483 7:15 10min 610
AV WIN 18031 7:40 13min 548
AV WIN 18709 8:08 15min 678
AV loss 19073 8:29 10 min 364
AV loss 19435 8:55 13 min 362
AV WIN 20003 9:15 10 min 568
AV WIN 20439 9:38 9min 436
AV WIN 20943 9:58 9 min 504
AV WIN 21439 10:20 10min 496
AV LOSS 21831 7:40 9 min 392 5/22
AB WIN 22595 8:04 24 min 764 46
AB LOSS 22911 8:34 24 min 316 8
AV WIN 23275 8:46 9 min 364 0
AB LOSS 23865 9:25 28 min 590 31
AV LOSS 24193 9:43 10 min 328 2
AB LOSS 24413 10:00 13 min 220 11
AV WIN 25137 10:25 19 min 724 17
AB loss 25185 10:40 5 min 48 3
AV WIN 25811 10:59 13 min 626 15
AB WIN 26491 11:30 24 min 680 35
AV WIN 27121 11:59 13 min 630 13
AB WIN 27957 12:30 28 min 836 54
AV LOSS 28315 12:46 10 min 358 3
AB loss 28729 1:09 17 min 414 31
AV WIN 29421 1:28 12 min 692
AB LOSS 29473 1:41 6min 52 3 15 man premade
AV LOSS 29969 1:57 10min 496 7
AB LOSS 30583 2:31 26 min 614 42
AV WIN 31359 2:52 17min 776 34 Reinforcment win all towers and defended 2 towers
AB LOSS 31843 3:24 24 min 484 37
AV LOSS 32097 3:38 10 min 254 1
AB losS 32469 4:10 23 min 372 15
AV LOSS 32805 4:26 9 min 336 5
AV WIN turtle 33629 5:15 36 min 824 26

I honestly think the doubled honor rate is what it should be permanently set at. It has felt fast enough to justify playing, but not so fast that I can just solo queue and run up my honor to get the gear in a couple of days. Seems like it would be a pretty good pace for each season.

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