Double Honor and Darkmoon Faire Coming to Pre-patch

OMG! That sounds nice!

hk still broken i think prob no fix all weekend

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You nailed it

fix this please

just do AV as alliance you get more honor from losing three 10min AV’s than winning 1 30min AB
Average honor per AV loss = 300ish (you can do 3 AV’s in the time of 1 AB as alliance)
average AB win = 600

No one is getting 600 for a loss. I know you have trouble with basic comprehension but damn learn to read.

you know you can lose in different manners right, if i got 700 for a win would i not get 600 for a 1980-2000 defeat? figure it out

Literally show me just one example where someone loses a BG and gets 600 Honor, I’ll wait.

AB loss 11535 27 min 646 5/21

forgetting something?

Ah yes, I too can make numbers off the top of my head.

enjoy your wsg saltmines

Don’t forget your clown shoes on the way out

my shoes are chromatic, yours are another 170 hours in wsg presumably


No way you capped unless you farmed day 1.

make it 10x honor and we’ll talk, until then just put out the same pvp panel from retail into classic

he most def farmed it out those early hour the honor was broken thus why is pea sized brain cant understand what the problem is

bump becuz still broken fix


Please increase it a bit more in every bg double it again to make the other bgs outside of the weekend worth doing

Still nothing from blizzard, wtf is this small Indie company doing?

They must seriously want to kill tbc even before it go live!


This a pug? Time to zug.
