Double Honor and Darkmoon Faire Coming to Pre-patch

Sorry but this revision is not even close to what it should be , only 10x would be reasonable considering the short 2 week prepatch totally dropped the ball on this one blizzard


9 hours nonstop farming AB, just got 7.9k Honor, totally done with this


Yep. Only on hour 6 myself, but I think I now realize it is virtually impossible for me now.


Well to be fair the honor per HK has never been severely nerfed since launch. So the Bonus honor bug made up for the HK honor bug. Now they removed Bonus armor bug so we get no honor.

The answer is to fix the other bug too where honor is being divided for HKs.

I get 28 honor for a solo kill HK
I get 4 honor fighting in a group at a base per HK

We should be getting 1,000s of honor per hour from HKs and should be the main source of our honor.


increase rates 10x or literally just close the game down until launch no respect for your player base


For real, just turn it back to the previous honor and wipe honor june 1st. People actually wanted to play the game and now youve made it so I was having more fun pulling weeds outside because that was at least productive. F off with your stupid no changes crap, they already put a store mount and a boost in, just let us farm some stupid prepatch honor and buy lvl 60 gear


The problem is there’s not enough traction now. They made a small change and 80% of the players complaining started to praise Blizzard spouting nonsense like “thanks for listening”. This is the last we’re going to hear of it I’m positive.

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activision really just digging their hole deeper and deeper


Except not really, see the power of a small non-change? The playerbase literally flipped so fast and started saying “oh thank you blizzard, I’m so glad I’m not taking 7 inches anymore and it’s only 6 inches now”. That’s not activision, that’s the idiocy of the playerbase.

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4 honour per kill in a weekend battleground with double honour
 your calculations are still WAAAAAY off blizz.

Back to private servers IMO at least they can implement things right.

For me its just concession. Feeling defeated because even through all the things wrong with this launch there was a silver lining in the pvp. Things that we (my group of friends) enjoyed then seeing everyone else upset with it gave hope. When blizzard “fixes” something then goes silent again pretty much tells me its over. My plans for prepatch are done basically and thats the end of it.

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The reality is, if the players would have kept pushing a different change would have happened. The other thread hit over 1800 posts in under 24 hours. That’s not going to happen here because there’s too many shills thanking Blizzard thinking that 1x2 is a fantastic change.


God knows if AB was giving too much honor with the bonus It would have been fixed this morning.


“its taking me too long to get these epics losing every game” yeah that’s probably intended

I think the overall point the most of these folks are making is that it’s pre-patch and Blizz has basically sucked out the purpose of playing for a lot of players. That coupled with the fact that people were anticipating a much longer period of time to obtain these items, makes their points that much more relevant.

You can make the “free epic” argument all you want
but reality is
those epics will not matter at 70, thus, it is really a moot point. Is making the game more enjoyable for players really a bad thing?

If you are going to go with “some changes”
why not adjust with the player base; the majority of whom are the same players who started playing the game 15 years ago, who now have jobs and families and most likely don’t have as much spare time as they did back then.


??? there are people literally farming losses to speed up honor gains lmao

That is how so many still feel.

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the honor gain is legit dogwater.


Losing AV via turtle is about 4x the honor of rushing AV or winning AB. It is absolutely moronic how stupid the system is right now.


100%. But that’s entirely on Blizz for creating an environment where that’s the optimal way to play.