Double Honor and Darkmoon Faire Coming to Pre-patch

Okay, I’m seeing this now. No, not remembering honor being this low. This is abysmally low. And yes, I too remember the bottle neck being marks. I’ll have enough marks for a mount by the time I have enough armor for one weapon.

This is dumb.


Yea, it just isn’t doable. It was catch up gear in the original pre patch, and now you have to dedicate your life to get just a few pieces leading into BC.


I was so excited to play this weekend after being absolutely bogged down by clinicals until I found out about this absolute dumpster fire because blizzard listened to some random nobody then they expect us to be grateful that they gave us a urine soaked towel to dry ourselves off with after they pissed all over what little fun this abysmally short prepatch had. But by the looks of the battered wife syndrome all over this post they won’t fix it properly.


Yea, really leaves a sour taste in your mouth, sadly.

Anyone else not receiving this honor bonus? I’m doing AV and still getting the exact same values as I had yesterday? Am I missing something?

The increase was so small that it just seems that way.

Ridiculous. Changing a whole experience for gamers based on an idiots post.

This is not even near the og tbc prepatch rates.

people were having a good time, even people that never stepped in a bg before were doing it because it was literally the biggest hype of prepatch.

now queue times are 25 minutes, and full of premades because of how sh!t low the honor gain is, cant afford to lose a game. what are you guys even doing?

ITS PREPATCH! Let people enjoy ffs. grind a useful set for some levels in tbc and a nice weapon to compensate for your rushed prepatch and buggy start.

HONORABLE KILLS were not mentioned. this needs to be addressed ASAP.

ontop of all that you mess up with the weekend bgs as well. funny how in just 1 hour you fixed the “bug” but to implement your changes so people have abit more time its taking you till server reset? are you guys on crack? fix this.

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I just did an AV and received 98 honor. Have your 800+ numbers been consistent? I might switch to AB if that’s the case

100+ for loss 200+ for win still seems way too low.

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Damn, it’s basically unchanged then. There’s no difference from the BGs I was doing yesterday as far as honor gained goes.

Na typically its like 500-700ish per win. that one was crazy.

so now new meta is alliance afk AB for easy marks then afk AV for easy honor.
literally get more honor from losing 2 AV’s in 20min than winning 1 AB in 30

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just did 2 avs to check out the change, both games the winner received 250 ish and the losing team was just over 100, before that Andycloud came along i was seeing 1500+ a loss and around 3500 per win.

Don’t think the scorecard is accurate (still shows 10% numbers for bonus honor) but chat messages seem good. Can’t go wrong by using your honor tab before/after to get exact figure.

AB win should be 440 bonus honor + whatever you get from HKs

But in reality it should be 880 except they messed up the x4

Game Mode Honor Time Stamp Honor Gains Date
AV WIN 8687 3:18 5/20
AV WIN 8885 3:40 198
AV WIN 9136 4:04 251
AV loss 9312 4:40 176
AB WIN 9540 4:48 228
AV WIN 9886 5:13 346
AV WIN 10017 11min 131
AV LOSS 10365 10:22 348 5/21
AB loss 10889 26 min 524
AB loss 11535 27 min 646
AV loss 11927 12 min 11:57 392
AB loss 12229 12:20 302
AB LOSS 12459 12:47 230
AV WIN 12769 1:12 11min 310
AV WIN 13245 1:53 12 min 476
AV WIN 13615 2:18 11 min 370
Daily BG Turn in 14181 566
AV WIN 14629 4:53 9 min 448
AB LOSS 14881 5:07 12 min 252
AV LOSS 15199 5:29 9 min 318
AV LOSS 15591 5:52 14 Min 392
AV WIN 16509 6:33 26 Min 918
AV LOSS 16873 6:53 10min 370
AV WIN 17483 7:15 10min 610
AV WIN 18031 7:40 13min 548
AV WIN 18709 8:08 15min 678
AV loss 19073 8:29 10 min 364
AV loss 19435 8:55 13 min 362
AV WIN 20003 9:15 10 min 568
AV WIN 20439 9:38 9min 436
AV WIN 20943 9:58 9 min 504
AV WIN 21439 10:20 10min 496

Here is my Data i have collected in the last two days of playing. Make it better.


918 AV?? Is that every tower?

Blizz, the call to arms quest is silver and therefore no one can hand in marks for honor, this is apparently due to having to complete EOTS first which isn’t possible. Needs to be fixed along with the correct honor ASAP.


Nah we won from killing all their reinforcements and we didnt cap one tower. It kept getting back capped.

so new AV meta… ignore all objective. fight for hk’s. cool thanks