Double Honor and Darkmoon Faire Coming to Pre-patch

Shameless once again

No, they didn’t. You’re basing it off level 70 numbers, not level 60. Go into a BG in the 19 twink bracket and see what your honor is. Far lower than what we’re getting at 60. It scales with level. The values are correct.

I got 28 honor, before it was 14.

Nothing is fixed because honor for HK’s don’t work.

Literally my solo kill rewarded 28 honor same as objective, reg HKs in group is 4-6.

So fight on the roads solo and get the honor

It’s clear that you didn’t even check any of those links past the first, the second link features patch 2.0 prepatch level 60 footage showing that the numbers are drastically off on honor gain per kill. But by all means, continue insisting that Blizzard cannot make mistakes when they have fully owned up to them in the past.

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no its not? It was fixed. Killed it last night easy.

Is the honor fixed yet?

283 honor for CTA so that wasn’t 2x either.

I read it, and its wrong.

AB win in 25min. 610 honor
AV loss in 10min. 286 honor
AV win in 10min. 464 honor
Therefore Bonus AB weekend isn’t working

People in that thread posted video evidence from level 60s pvping in the pre-patch getting more honor per HK than we are right now.

I’m getting 40 honor per tick in AB. It was 20 before. Doubling honor brings it to 40. But it doesn’t look like the battleground weekend bonus is doing anything.

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What would have been easier is just left as is, and wipe honor on launch day. Instead of breaking things.

Honor calculations from kills are still completely off.

My HWL is worth practically nothing when people kill me.

Zinqf the god

Yeah, not sure if it’s worth bothering for alts/boosted characters to get a weapon before June 1st with those numbers.

Napkin math:
Assuming you WIN every AB match this weekend (LOL), you would need 64 wins to have enough honor to buy a 2H weapon. With each match taking around 25 minutes, that means you need to spend over 26 hours in AB (and WIN them all).

And that’s with the weekend bonus, meaning if you break it up into three days (today, tomorrow, and Sunday), you need to spend almost 9 hours PER DAY.

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and that is witouth puting the q time of horde into this…

I’m so happy they nerfed honor the other day, can you imagine the hellish world (of warcraft) that would exist if people were able to get outdated 2H weapons by running AV/AB 16 times?!



How are you getting that much, it was 14 before now it’s 28 per tick.

A solo kill gives 28 honor as well. Maybe twinking in the 59 bracket and farming is the best.

He’s talking about the bonus honor in AB

Kaviax just needs to listen to the community more, revert the ‘nerf’ b/c they messed up and wipe all honor on June 1st when launch goes out. We still need lots of marks for the gear. So absurd they made this huge honor mistake. Literally killed pvp overnight. Let us have fun Blizzard and stop listening to inaccurate trolls ‘Andycloud’

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just got 600 for an ab win
buff it more