What do you guys think of that idea? I could see it being useful in raids.
sounds super annoying to use. Im down for a talent that makes efflo larger maybe but two sounds like a pain to manage
How about one efflo thats double in size and lasts 1 min and heals 6 instead of 3.
A talent to bring it up to 5/6 targets, the tier 20 that buffs it massively for a few seconds after swiftmend to make it a burst aoe, wider area, a DR attached to being inside; all fun upgrades to our efflo but just an extra one sounds like a waste of mana and gcds most of the time.
The only way i could see this being good is if we got a full tier of just stack fights and we could double the 2 efflos ontop of each other, but buffing it up to hit 6 targets at a time would acheiv the same thing with fewer gcds.
All valid points
Wasn’t there a way to make it burst/bloom in a past exp, or am I thinking about something else? If you know movement is coming, it might help a bit.
Tier 20; we got the 2 piece with the swiftmend reduction on low health targets talent this patch, the 4 piece was swiftmend increasing efflos healing by 200% for a couple seconds. Which would be nice to have back with all the aoe burst in keys as a pair with a soul buffed wildgrowth.
I see. I would like for efflo to be consumed in some way (maybe?) for burst, but I can see where Blizz would make it too OP and hit it with the Nerf Hammer xD