Double DPS should not be allowed in arnea

double dps is way to op in 2v2 cuz the game starts at 25% damp either make it where u cant q double dps in 2v2 or make the game start at 0% damping… double dps always wins and there is absoutly no skill in it

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If double dps always wins why are the highest players on the ladder healer/dps comps?

Edit: inb4 “git gud”


Oh this is gonna be good!


The initial dampening isn’t really even the issue against double DPS since they mostly rely on CCs and burst to get the job done.

OP, what rating are you playing at?
I think dps/healer is better in 2s.
I’ve basically not seen any high rated double dps in 2s outside of rogue/mage which is always exciting and fast paced to play against.

I don’t know what “arnea” is but I believe people should be free. who are you hitler? btw please sense my sarcasm


2 assa rogues who know what theyre doing…

one with wound poison the other deadly…

stay in stealth as long as possible to max dampening as much as possible.
apply wound poison… nuke, ez kills.

have sap, double blind, double kidney to stop any incoming damage done.

can always cloak vanish and reset/max damp even more if needed

Narnia. I think they made a movie about it.


Sounds like someone lost to RM.

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spriest/destro, feral/sv, and mage/rogue are the only double dps that are even remotely any good and unless youre qing into insane players at high mmr, only mage/rogue is going to be consistently good.

although it is super unforch to q into dilly and one of his pet ferals in 2s as disc/frost. So obnox.


I don’t have so much rating or experience in arena, but when i play with my arms warrior and another dps teammate (rogue or enhacment shamy), we won mostly against other double dps team, and we have more struggle against dps/heal teams.
And when i play with my healer partner (monk healer), we won most of the time against double dps teams.

Double assass rogue is actually the worst 2v2 comp of all time. Even double feral is better

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Double Sub was the easiest comp to get 2k with in Legion in 2’s. Short vanish allows you to just eat the eyes and vanish them off and kill someone at 90% damp. Was impossible to stop for anything without a DH.

I wish MM was good… I miss Rogue/Ret + MM 2s…

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Man that sounds so…cheap. Does it actually work? (Shoulders raise, head goes down, begins grinning, hands begin to rub together vigorously)

Man, at least put effort into trolling.


Can confirm Qing into monkey destro sp players with mythic gear isn’t fun

Hey now! I run double DH and we are or were 1930 =D. Its hard to get this high and we prob wont get any higher even though my partner and I have awesome synergy.

For example the ghost wolf sham, hes unkillable sit in ghostwolf not doing anything and be cleaved down by whatever peasant he has with him.

The rdruid who kites for days also accompanied by a ro, dk, warr, ww.
The pally teams who have bubble and an undispellable sac also puts a major damper into things.
The ret who wings and bubbles and hits for 40k an attack in the opener.

We do win most double dps vs double dps (other than destro x) since destros can do an ungodly amount of damage and heal and we dont have the ability to reset the fight.

If anything id love to see healers removed from 2s lol. Games would be faster and i wont have to punch my monitor when I see sac, bubble, ghostwolf, or the bridge map since I only fight monks there.

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Is destro shadow or fire assassination rogue more monkeybusiness? Pretty sure you don’t even need to have half a Brain cell to play either of those setups.

Ps shoutout to every single mage in 2s that triple dr Polymorphs on my sac and every rogue that Blinds into it too.

World of Warcraft Arena: Planet of the Apes.

Better than fighting rdruid/udk for the 50th time that week.