Dornogal Quest Bloat

Idk if anyone else has this issue, but the story of TWW is already kind of hard to follow if you took a break or didn’t play a while, and will only get harder later on. When you finish the level up campaign, you now can get quests to take you to Siren Isle, the Lingering Shadows questline, the fall of the Kirin Tor questline, the quest to go to Undermine, etc. I didn’t do any of those yet, and I find it confusing. I haven’t even completed the max level 11.0 canpaign, not even once, just the first chapter.

Now only are all these questlines available and given to you all at once, but on PTR there’s a also new questline for Horrific Visions and Flame’s Radience too, I think.

Also, I’m pretty sure the Raid quests for Nerub’ar Palace originally started from the Vizier rep storyline, but you can also just pick them up in Dornogal too, and skip it, I guess.

Idk, I ramble a lot, but just seems like following the storyline is only going to get more and more confusing. There are a million quests in Dornogal, and the game gives you no indication of the correct order to do them in, and I find it immersion-breaking. I didn’t even mention all the side quests on Khaz Algar.


I’m glad to hear it’s not just me. I haven’t been able to play much since the start of the year, and I’ve been kind of lost. I haven’t even finished the “Sojourner of the Isle of Dorn” achievement, but there are no available quests for me on the whole island.


Sadly its been a problem for both TWW and Dragonflight. I took a long break during Dragonflight to deal with irl issues and when I came back I was completely lost. It seems to be the same way with Dornogal.


Catch 22 situation for blizzard

If they don’t shotgun the quests at you, players get mad that you have to do a lengthy chain to get to the current stuff that caused them to resub

if they do, hubs start to look like a F2P MMO midway through an expansion


I bang out all quests on my main, I just wish the rest wouldn’t appear on my alts’ maps.


Man, that needs to be the next optional thing. Optionally let me hide quests on alts I did on my main, except repeatables, dailies, weeklies etc.

Just a toggle switch or something, not even to make the quests unavailable, just so they do not clutter my maps.


I read once that nubs have trouble when they start WoW because after the linear intro you get dumped in sw/org
One of the most bloated areas of the game so they end up doing like, selfie camera and holiday event quests.

The simplicity of classic where you just run around and die in a cave for the first 10 hours is where its at for getting people into the game imo


Part of the appetite for a true revamp is just to get all of that dead weight off the board, I think. Your first trip to the capital being a fever dream of detached voices yelling at you about some urgent calamity while 18 phases of dead or deposed people stand around is very much not a gateway into the game’s story.


I think they recently added a setting for that to make quests you’ve already completed on an alt to not show up on the minimap


I wished story quests I have already done would appear in a different color (maybe aqua-blue or grey) on alts.


I remember the first time I got to Orgrimmar and saw 3 different warchiefs. I remember thinking “Wait, I thought it was only one warchief. Maybe its a council of warchiefs?”

Unknowingly predicted the future. Kek.


You know what they say, when you got 3 warchiefs, you really have 0

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Doing holiday event quests! The horror!