I completed the Delves and the Titan Disc weekly and they did not reward the tokens that they listed as a reward. I reported this and they said it’s not a known issue. Anyone else experience this?
The anniversary achievement is also not giving the mount. Reported it as well.
I haven’t completed the achievement yet, need 10 more button mashes from the story time. I’ve seen some with the mount, so I had no idea it was broken. That’s unfortunate, but I feel like that one is likely to be hotfixed relatively fast if enough people report it.
I hope Blizzard fixes all the issues that should’ve been tested in-house. It would suck to be behind 5 tokens, but I’m not gonna act like it’s the end of the world since I didn’t turn in all my weeklies yet.
None of the KA weeklies or special assignments are giving the tokens they’re supposed to give.
This has been widely reported in-game and made known all over sites like WoWhead since last night. “Not a known issue” is absolute BS.
Blizz finding new and improved ways to be complete failures.
did you complete any of the weekly quests given at dornogal and get a token? Even though they all list a 2 token reward at first, only one will give it. Once completed, the rest will no longer show the reward. Intended, i dont know, but thats how it worked for me.
Absolutely agreed. Responses like ‘’Not a known issue’’ only makes me think it’s just an automated response and not a real person responding to my ticket.
Some are. The first weekly completed from dornogal, the theatre weekly, the Pact weekly, the Wax weekly, and doing one lesser flame all gave 1. Special assignments, awakening the machine and world boss did not give 1
Relog fixxed the mount issue, generated an item in my bag afterwards. But still need more tokens >.>;
I’m glad your mount issue got resolved! Hopefully our token issues will be fixed. I suspect they will hotfix the quests, but won’t give the rewards owed to the players that completed the quests already.
So we just don’t get those pieces of currency then?
So no one can get their first tier set week 1?
PS tonnes of people in these very forums, and Wowhead are directing people to target Dorn weeklies for the celebration currency
Well they definitely shouldn’t since they don’t give the coin rewards as stated.
yea, it’s typical unwavering, disingenuous, wow-enthusiast behaviour from clowns pretending the game is working great and in this case, there’s ‘plenty of currency to go around’ because we must protect the precious corporation.
Some are. The first weekly completed from dornogal, the theatre weekly, the Pact weekly, the Wax weekly, and doing one lesser flame all gave 1. Special assignments, awakening the machine and world boss did not give 1
what weekly from dorn? Just tried a few characters and the only weekly that shows is the rep reward weekly, and that doesn’t show a token reward
I had the worldsoul weekly, where you can choose between 4 different options to complete it. The titan disc weekly, and a delve weekly from brann. All showed the token as a reward, but once i completed one of them, the others no longer showed it as a reward.
thanks for the response, the 5th character I checked ending up having those weekly quests, I guess they didn’t reset for the first 4 characters
ya, they didnt for some of my alts as well, seems to be a common problem
The drip feeder borderline intolerable
My Titan Disc weekly (and the Worldsoul weekly) didn’t reset again for the 2nd week because, Blizzard, so I can’t say there but I did get tokens for the Delves one.
has anyone gotten them from an ansurek kill? (noticed it was +3 for lfr or above)